Care of the date palm as a houseplant

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to care for A Pygmy Dwarf Date Palm #houseplant
Video: How to care for A Pygmy Dwarf Date Palm #houseplant


The date palm is a slowly awake houseplant

Care of the date palm as a houseplant

In nature, the date palm is pulled as a useful tree. The fruits serve humans and animals as food source, while trunk and leaves are used for the house construction and everyday objects. Here, the date palm is cultivated primarily as a houseplant.

Pull date palm as a houseplant

Date palms are grown as a houseplant in large pots or pots. You may even plant old and large specimens in a protected outdoor location. It should not be colder than -6 degrees.

In unprotected locations, keeping a date palm better than pure container plant.

Pull outside in the summer

All year round, the date palm does not like it in the room. She likes to move outside to the terrace or the balcony in summer.

Choose a sunny location where the palm tree gets as little rainwater as possible. Make sure that no waterlogging can develop in the pot.

What care does the date palm need as an ornamental plant?

Although date palms need a lot of water, they should not be in waterlogged condition. Always pour only when the surface of the substrate has dried. When keeping in the room you should spray the leaves regularly with water.

A date palm is not cut. At most, you may cut brown leaves when they are completely dry.

Since the palm trees grow rather slowly, you only have to repot date palms every four to five years. Moving to a larger bucket is due when the roots grow out of the planter at the bottom or the date palm pushes out of the pot at the top.

Correctly overcast date palms in the bucket

In winter you should make a date palm cooler. Temperatures around 15 degrees are ideal. Choose a location where the plant stands bright.

Water less during the hibernation and do not give fertilizer from October to early March.


You can multiply date palms by seeds, which requires a lot of patience. If the date palm produces shoots, they are separated in spring and used to grow new plants.