The Colorado fir loses needles - what's going on?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Colorado fir loses needles - what's going on? - Garden
The Colorado fir loses needles - what's going on? - Garden


There can be a variety of reasons when the Colorado fir loses its needles

The Colorado fir loses needles - what's going on?

First, the needles turn yellowish, to finally assume a brown color. If they are brown, it will not be long before they fall off. A cause of great concern or is the Colorado Fir, one of the popular Christmas trees, still to help?

Care error as a cause

Mistreatment mistakes are the most common cause of the Colorado fir firing. Most often it is dryness. In the summer heat combined with prolonged drought, the Colorado fir suffers if it is not additionally irrigated. Especially boy specimens should then be poured abundantly.

Furthermore, the following points may be the cause: nutrient deficiency, over-fertilization and waterlogging in the root area. In case of a nutrient deficiency fertilization with Epsom salt helps, as this contains the essential for the Colorado firs magnesium. With over-fertilization and waterlogging, you can transplant young specimens. There are no other options in these cases.

Inappropriate location as cause

Colorado firs prefer to stand in a location where they find both light and shadow. Therefore, partially shaded layers are ideal for her. In the blazing sun, for example in a sheltered south-facing position, they do not feel well. Especially young Colorado firs are endangered there for sunburn. The needles turn yellow, brown and finally fall off.

Diseases as a cause

Care mistakes or an inappropriate location do not always have to be behind the needle drop. It may also be that your Colorado fir is sick. Usually it is considered as little susceptible to disease. But sometimes the following diseases can strike:

Pests as a cause

In periods of drought, trees such as the Colorado fir are prone to pest infestation. The wood is weakened and its antibodies are no longer effective. Check the plant for pest infestation!

Among others, spider mites of the Colorado fir can make life difficult. But also the black spot wreath knows how to use his biting tools well. On top of that, lice such as the fir-tree louse or the Cinare bark louse can emerge and suck the needles.


If the cause behind the needle drop diseases are, it is recommended to sweep up the diseased needles and not on the compost to dispose of, but in the household waste!