The Clivia repot right - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Divide and Repot Clivia Plants
Video: How to Divide and Repot Clivia Plants


Klivien are not particularly demanding regarding potting soil

The Clivia repot right - tips and tricks

Not easy to care for, the Clivia mistake is pretty quick to resent, including excessive repotting. This may well mean that your Clivia does not want to bloom. You should definitely avoid that.

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The right plant pot

For Klivien choose not too large flower pots, often the bloom is lush in a smaller pot. However, as these plants can become quite tall, up to 90 cm, the pot should be relatively heavy. Otherwise, your Clivia could easily tip over once. During flowering, the plant is also a lot heavier and thus more unstable.

The right soil for Klivien

For the Clivia is suitable normal potting soil or compost soil from the garden. To prevent waterlogging, apply this soil to a drainage layer on coarse gravel or old potsherds. In fresh soil, the Clivia needs no fertilizer for a few weeks or even months, depending on how soon the hibernation is imminent.

Plant a child

At the Clivia grow over time, small offshoots, the so-called Kindel. You can easily use these for propagation. Before you separate the Kindel from your Clivia, they should have a size of at least 20 to 25 centimeters.

It is best to cut off the babies shortly after flowering with a sharp knife. The substrate is a mixture of peat and sand or potting soil with sand or peat. It should be very well drained. If waterlogged, the tender root would rot too easily. Therefore, you pour these young plants for the time being little.

How often should I repot my Klivien?

The first repotting of your clivia is due when the roots grow significantly out of the previous pot. Sometimes this is already a short time after the purchase. Then you should treat the plant to a new pot or fresh soil about every three to four years.

Why does frequent repotting of the Clivia harm?

The clivia is pretty sensitive. Not only frequent repot but also a repeated relocation within a short time is poorly tolerated. Both can lead to the Clivia not blooming. Klivien simply take a long time to get used to changing situations. Also you should not turn the pot with the plant. The Clivia would like to have the light always from the same side.

The essentials in brief:


Do not spice your clivia too often, otherwise it will refuse flowering, about every three or four years.