Clematis multiply skillfully - that's how the offspring succeeds

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Clematis multiply skillfully - that's how the offspring succeeds - Garden
Clematis multiply skillfully - that's how the offspring succeeds - Garden


Clematis multiply skillfully - that's how the offspring succeeds

If the dreamlike Clematis Hof is in the garden and on the balcony, hobby gardeners want more copies. The following instructions explain the propagation of your most beautiful clematis. This is how it works with lowering rods and cuttings.

Early article Next article So hibernate clematis outside in the bed and tub

Instructions for the lowering method

For the increase by lowering the time window is open from March to August. This method of offspring is very popular with hobby gardeners, because it is so uncomplicated by the hand:

While a new root system forms on the vine, the substrate must not dry out. Give the mother plant for this form of propagation time until next spring. Then separate the shoot with a sharp knife and hold a new Clematis in your hands.

Instructions for the cutting method

The propagation of a clematis with cuttings is also enjoying great popularity, because in this way, the offspring of varietal plants succeeds. If the clematis is in full bloom during summer, this is the best time. Follow these steps:

Fill 12 cm pots with lean potting soil and insert one plow deep enough so that only the leaf pair still protrudes. A transparent hood creates a moist, warm microclimate, which has a beneficial effect on rooting. The chosen location for propagation should be partially shaded to shady, warm and sheltered.

Proper care during rooting

While the cuttings vigorously root in the following weeks and months, the hood is ventilated daily for some time. Ideally, pour your pupils from below to prevent mold. For this purpose, the pots for a few minutes in a bowl with a 5-10 cm high water level.

The capillary force transports the moisture into the substrate. If the substrate surface feels damp, the process is complete. Fertilizer receives the clematis only when it has completely rooted the pot and planted in the bed or the tub.

Tips & Tricks

Soil tiredness is a foreign word for the clematis. Even after decades, the flower beauties do not demand a change of location. Therefore, plant your increased young plants safely in layers where other clematis already felt comfortable. Only if there once raged the Clematis wilt, a cultivation break of 4-5 years should be inserted.