Caring for the grapevine properly - answer to all important questions

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


Caring for the grapevine properly - answer to all important questions

To ensure that the Clematis lives up to its reputation as a prime example of a glamorous climbing plant, professional care is essential. Here hobby gardeners get the equipment for the perfect cultivation of a clematis. Find answers to all fundamental questions.

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How to water the clematis?

A clematis develops its most beautiful flower in a constantly slightly damp soil. This condition must be considered in the garden as well as in the tub. Check regularly with your thumb the earth's surface. If the substrate feels dry, pour directly onto the root area.

In what dosage is the clematis fertilized?

Only a sufficient supply of nutrients provides the majestic clematis with enough energy to produce the enormous leaf mass and dense flowering florets. So fertilize the clematis like this:

Alternatively, fertilize with compost and horn shavings every 8 to 14 days from March to September. Alternately, administer potassium-rich comfrey, mixed with stinging nettle.

What is important when pruning?

If you care for Clematis properly, the regular cut plays an essential role. The different types and varieties must not be shorn over a comb. For better orientation is differentiated into 3 groups of cuts, based on the respective flowering period. How to do it right:

After planting, each young clematis receives a planting cut in the first spring. Here you cut the young plant back to 30 or 50 centimeters, so that they branch lush and developed a bushy habit. Wild species of clematis, which bloom in the spring of the previous year's editions, cut only with nachlaser bloom.

Which diseases threaten the clematis?

The Damocles sword of the clematis wilt dangles above the large-flowered clematis. This is a fungal infection, which can be seen in the first stage of brown spots with a yellow atrium. As the process progresses, the whole leaf turns brown and falls off. The shoots are also not spared. How to react correctly:

Even if you properly care for the clematis, mildew does not spare the climber. If a floury-white coating shows up on the foliage, treat the infection with Naturen Bio-Netzschwefel or Atempo Kupfer-Pilzfrei. In the biological control of mildew, the repeated spraying with a mix of 100 milliliters of fresh milk with 1 liter of water has proven itself.

Which pests are watching over the clematis?

If a clematis is haunted by pests, hobby gardeners are mostly dealing with the following beasts:

If you properly care for your clematis, you also strengthen the resistance to the pests. In addition, a large number of natural predators of this pestilence settle in a natural garden, such as toads, birds, parasitic wasps, hedgehogs and other beneficials. Therefore, create retreats such as hedgerows, piles of leaves, dry stone walls and hollow tree trunks.

Is winter protection required?

Planted in the garden, most Clematis species and varieties are hardy. Only in the first year is a slight winter protection recommended. That's the way he should be:

If the winter is frosty but without snow, the clematis is threatened by drought stress. In Kahlfrost, prudent amateur gardeners therefore water clematis on frost-free days.

Keep in a bucket every year from frost

In view of the exposed position of the root ball in the planter, we recommend winter protection for the clematis every year. Place the bucket on an insulating wooden base and cover the container with bubble wrap.

Tips & Tricks

Some of the early flowering clematis move to another flowering in summer. Thoroughly clean the clematis after the first flowers and in particular remove all inflorescences. Instead of growing seeds, the climbing plant invests its power in another flowering field after 6 to 8 weeks.