When does my thorn of Christ blossom?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: THORN STRIKES AGAIN!(Gacha glitch)


The heyday of the Christ's thorn is variable

When does my thorn of Christ blossom?

Without human intervention, the Madagascar-born Christ's Thorn flourishes in March and April. However, this assumes that the plant is wintered in a suitable place for them and then put back in a sunny place.

Can I influence the flowering of my Christ's thorn?

Her otherwise carefree Christdorn only blooms after a so-called drought, in which it is poured very little and also gets less light. Move this drought, then change the flowering time. The regular flower colors are white, pink, pink or red. For hybrids, other colors may be possible. Like all other plant parts, the flowers are poisonous.

The most important:


With a shift in drought, you can also move the flowering time at your Christ's thorn.