How to overwinter the Chinese Hemp Palm?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Live: Watch how wild animals overwinter in northwest China’s Altun Mountains
Video: Live: Watch how wild animals overwinter in northwest China’s Altun Mountains


The Chinese hemp palm is hardy

How to overwinter the Chinese Hemp Palm?

The Chinese Hemp Palm is hardy, yet under certain circumstances it is recommended to overwinter it. When and how should you approach it?

Early Article Chinese Hemp Palm: This is important for its growth! Next article Repotting Chinese Hemp Palm: Timing, Bucket & Substrate

Which Chinese hemp palms are overwintered?

If one or more of the following apply, you should consider hibernating in a 5 to 10 ° C cool but bright room (eg conservatory, stairwell):

The care during the hibernation

When wintering, things can go wrong. Among others, insect infestations (spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects) can occur indoors. Check your plant regularly! Casting should not be neglected as an important part of care. Fertilization is discontinued.


After the winter, the optimal time for repotting has come. This procedure stimulates growth.