Bush beans good neighbors and bad neighbors

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Little Rascals - Sprucin’ Up
Video: Little Rascals - Sprucin’ Up


Bush beans work well with tomatoes, savory and other vegetables

Bush beans good neighbors and bad neighbors

Bush beans are quite peculiar in terms of their neighborhood. With some vegetables, they do not understand each other at all, with others they enter a harmonious symbiosis. Which neighbors are good for bush beans and which bad, you will learn in the following.

Good neighbors for bush beans

Bush beans are good with many vegetables. Some even protect them from diseases or pests. Here is a list of the best neighbors for bush beans:

The most important neighbor remains unrecognized

Bush beans enter into a symbiosis with bacteria in the soil, which provide for the accumulation of nitrogen at the roots. They supply the rather frugal beans so well with nitrogen that bush beans do not really need to be fertilized.

Bad neighbors for bush beans

While good neighbors keep pests away from bush beans, bad neighbors can even attract them. This is especially true when these neighbors are consumed by the same pests. Other plants thrive poorly on the side of beans because they are poorly tolerated by much nitrogen, e.g. Onions. Do not combine bush beans with:

Do not mix too much

If you want to combine your bush beans with several plant neighbors, you should again make sure that they are compatible with each other. So bush beans are great with strawberries and cabbage, but strawberries and cabbage do not like each other. Dill and savory go well with everyone. Here is an overview of the compatibility of the good neighbors of bush beans: