Plant boxwood properly - location, soil, planting and propagation

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Guide to Planting Boxwood
Video: A Guide to Planting Boxwood


The boxwood likes sunny, not too warm locations

Plant boxwood properly - location, soil, planting and propagation

Boxwood has been planted in gardens for more than 2019 years. Initially, the evergreen wood was primarily used to surround flowerbeds, but in the course of the 16th century, a new fashion emerged: art gardeners cut the most imaginative figures out of the easy-care plant. Even today, the book is a welcome gardener, even if its image suffers for several years due to dangerous diseases.

Which location does the boxwood prefer?

Plant the book in a sunny to partially shaded spot, but not too warm. The wood does not tolerate both very dark and hot spots. However, it can be completely full sun, provided that you slowly get used to the plant.

In which soil should you plant boxwood?

Buchs needs a humus-rich, loose and well-drained soil. Whether it is a sandy or a clay soil, the plant is the same - it is important that the pH is between seven and eight. Solid soils need good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Which planting time is ideal for boxwood?

Containerware, d. H. Box-grown boxwoods can generally be planted throughout the year, weather permitting. It is best to plant in autumn or spring, when there is no frost or frost and the soil has warmed up a bit. Root-bare goods come into the soil between October until at the beginning of of May at the beginning of June, Buchbäumchen with educated root ball can plant you however until the beginning of June.

Which planting distance should one comply with?

Boxwood is a flat-rooting plant that spreads its roots over a wide area and branched, which is why solitaires need a fairly long distance to neighboring plants. Only in the case of hedge plantings can you put the book a little closer, whereby the actual planting distance depends on the growth behavior of the selected variety. For slow-growing varieties such as the popular 'Blue Heinz' you have to count on an opaque hedge with about ten plants per meter.

What is the best way to grow boxwood?

Before planting, dip the root ball into a bucket of water and let it soak for at least half an hour. Dig at this time a planting hole, which should be twice as large as the root ball. The excavation is mixed with compost, horn shavings and some rock flour. Put the boxwood in the hole, making sure that the roots are not squeezed. The plant should not be deeper than before in the pot. Press the soil well and pervade the freshly planted book.

Is it allowed to transplant boxwood?

Basically, it is possible to replant a boxwood. But beware: If a book has been at its location for a very long time, such a project is difficult - with almost certain probability many roots will be destroyed. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare the transplanting well. This also includes a vigorous pruning of the above-ground parts of the plant, since these can not be sufficiently supplied with nutrients and water by the reduced roots anyway.

How can boxwood be propagated?

It is best to multiply Buch's with healthy cuttings that are at least ten centimeters long. If the plants are larger, cut 20 to 30 centimeters long offshoots, where cracked roots root easier and faster than cut specimens. The best time for a vegetative propagation are the months of July and August. Be patient: it takes up to half a year for the cuttings to form roots.

Can you also cultivate boxwood in the pot?

If the bucket is big enough and taken care of properly, Buchs can be wonderfully cultivated as a potted plant. Suitable substrate is conventional potting soil, which you can mix with compost and expanded clay. The pot needs a large drain hole on the ground, so that excess irrigation water can drain and the book gets no wet feet. Make sure you have a sufficient and balanced supply of water and nutrients. In addition, the winter hardy plant needs protection against frost and other winter weather conditions in winter.

Is boxwood also suitable as a houseplant?

The boxwood feels most comfortable in the open air, but may also be kept as a houseplant. Above all, it is important that a year-round culture in the living room is not possible: The book needs a hibernation, which he spends best in a bright, but unheated room or another cool room. In addition, you should ventilate frequently and water regularly and fertilize.

Good neighbors / bad neighbors

Boxwood is a good planting partner for many plant species, but you should pay particular attention to similar needs in terms of location, soil conditions and care. Bog soil plants such as azaleas and rhododendrons are not happy with the lime-loving boxwood. A great contrast to the lush green of the boxwood, however, are blooming, tall perennials such as larkspur, hydrangea and scabious.


Boxwood is very susceptible to various diseases and pests. Choose the least sensitive varieties or change to other, similar species.