Cutting and multiplying bromelia go hand in hand

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Slipknot - Custer (Audio)
Video: Slipknot - Custer (Audio)


Dried leaves on the Bromeliad can easily be plucked out

Cutting and multiplying bromelia go hand in hand

In the care program of a bromeliad, the topic of cutting is the only focus when it comes to vegetative propagation. Even the withered flowers can not be cut, as they thrive only once and the plant then dies. We will gladly explain you when and how to professionally cut the flower and leaf ornamental plant.

Each side shoot is a clone - how to cut it correctly

The vast majority of bromeliads develop side shoots during and after flowering. These grow at the base and have exactly the same, magnificent attributes of the mother plant. If such a kindel has developed its own leaf rosette and reaches a height of at least 10 cm, you can cut it off. How to do it right:

Sprinkle the Kindel in a lime-free, crumbly substrate. Pour some soft, room-warm water into the small rosette and moisten the soil as well. By putting a transparent hood over the cultivation pot, a moist, warm microclimate is created that promotes rooting.

Dried leaves - Better to pluck rather than cut

It is part of the normal process of growth that occasionally infects a leaf on a bromeliad and dries up. Since the cut is accompanied by the risk of infection or pest infestation, in this case, the knife is out of the game. Wait until the plant releases the dead leaves by itself. On a light pull, the sheet can be plucked or peeled off.


Peel a ripe pineapple for the fruity-sweet enjoyment, first cut off the leaf with a little flesh. The green leaf crown is too good for disposal on the compost. Remove the lower leaves and the pulp around the stalk. Potted in a lime-free substrate, there is a good chance that a young pineapple plant will develop from the warm, bright location.