Sowing broccoli - this is how it works perfectly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Broccoli | Complete Guide from Seed to Harvest
Video: How to Grow Broccoli | Complete Guide from Seed to Harvest


Sowing broccoli - this is how it works perfectly

When we hear broccoli, we think of green heads and roses. But depending on the variety, it can also be purple or yellow. No matter what type of broccoli or color - sow and pull broccoli, the green thumb is in demand.

The right seed

Broccoli sowing and growing at the right time

Early varieties can be pulled from March in a grower dish on a sunny window sill. From mid-May, the seedlings may be in the bed or on the balcony. Late varieties can be sowed directly from the end of April under the open sky. Before sowing, cover the soil with loosened soil and cover with sifted and well rotted garden compost. Then sow the broccoli seed 1 centimeter deep in the saplings and cover with sieved soil. Spray the bed regularly with lukewarm rainwater.

In the middle of May to the end of July, when the broccoli crabs are 10 centimeters high and have four leaves, they are planted at their distance of 50 centimeters to their final location. Whether the young plants are firmly enough in the ground, you test by gentle pulling on the upper leaves.

What do you need to grow broccoli yourself?

The best start for broccoli breeding

You can use yogurt pots or pots made of peat or egg cartons. Compostable vessels are particularly convenient because the young plants can be planted directly later without damaging the roots. To fill the vessels special Aussaaterde is suitable. This is feinkrümeliger and nutrient-poorer than potting soil and activates root growth.

Tips & Tricks

Sort out seedlings that are weak or malformed. They are not suitable for cultivation. Powerful young plants daily for a few hours longer to harden to set outside.