How to handle it: Planting groundcover roses

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow Red Drift® Groundcover Roses with a detailed description
Video: How to grow Red Drift® Groundcover Roses with a detailed description


Ground cover roses are best planted outdoors in the fall

How to handle it: Planting groundcover roses

Small and bushy and very daring when it comes to the abundance of flowers - that's what they are, the groundcover roses. In order not to have to transplant them later and enjoy them for years, you should think about how to plant them properly!

Previous article Ground cover roses: varieties and their characteristics Next article Care of ground cover roses: cut, fertilization and more

What does the perfect substrate for ground cover roses look like?

Regardless of which variety is concerned, roses value a particular substrate. Ideally, it should be like this:

At what location do the plants feel comfortable?

It should be as sunny as possible. If necessary, a partially shaded location can be considered. It is important that the location is not protected, but airy. Bad are house walls and walls in southern direction. There it will be too warm for the groundcover roses.

Often ground cover roses are used as public green and planted in parks and along roadsides. Even embankments and beds often green them. When planting at the site, be sure to set 2 to 6 copies per square meter - at least if you want a closed area. Then later no weeding is necessary.

When do you plant groundcover roses?

Groundcover roses are best planted in the fall. Then they have enough time to reaffirm until the next season. Alternatively, the plants can be planted in the spring. The planting of cuttings takes place in the summer.

Are there special nursery neighbors, in addition to whom groundcover roses look good?

Suitable planting neighbors include grasses and ferns as well as flowering perennials. In the vicinity of ground cover roses, yarrow, ornamental onion, bellflower, balloon flower, carpet wool scorpion, stone quince and herbs such as oregano and lavender are doing well.

How to proceed step by step while planting?

So you plant the low-care ground cover roses:


Keep a distance of 30 to 40 cm between the single ground cover roses!