Cutting ground cover - When it makes sense

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 People 1 Guitar!
Video: 5 People 1 Guitar!


Sometimes it makes sense to keep ground cover in check

Cutting ground cover - When it makes sense

Cutting back ground cover - is not that unnecessary? In many cases, however, in some other, horticultural demanding case, not. When and how a ground cover should be trimmed, you will find out in the following article.

When groundcover need the pruning

It is only too happy to use groundcover as a gracious greening for areas that you do not want to worry about very much - and in many cases this is also an excellent solution. This is especially true for independent areas, open slopes or naturally limited areas under trees.

However, if a ground cover is to take on a more ambitious landscaping and landscaping task, it naturally also requires more nursing work. This includes above all the pruning.

Another reason to use scissors on ground covers is simply the decimation, which is especially necessary for particularly vigorous and overrunning species such as ivy or Günsel, in order to prevent the overgrowth of neighboring beds.

Finally, the cutting of ground cover may also be necessary to support their mundane task of weed control. Sometimes the growth, if left entirely to itself, can become somewhat incomplete. A regular cut can densify the new outcrop in a controlled manner and homogenize the plant cover for effective weed displacement.

The main reasons for pruning ground cover are:

What to consider when pruning

If you use ground cover for a well-structured, orderly planting of beds or graves, the pruning is most often needed - depending on how accurately you want to hold the contours of individual upholstery. You should not exceed four neck cuts per year. In addition, with such frequent interventions, you should also fertilize regularly - preferably with organic fertilizer such as compost or horn shavings.

Soil cover crops that quickly form runners such as Ysander, Pfennigkraut or Günsel must be stopped again and again by cutting them at the edges of the plant carpet - that is, stinging their growth braid together with the roots with the spade.

In order to improve the weed control of a ground cover, such as periwinkle, you should regularly control the growth of the plant bases by shortening long, white outward shoots. This causes the plant to expel further inside and gradually condense.