Fruits of the blood plum: nutrient-rich, sweet and juicy

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Improves Bone Health | Reduces Bad Cholesterol | Benefits of Plum Fruit | Dr.Manthena’s Health Tips
Video: Improves Bone Health | Reduces Bad Cholesterol | Benefits of Plum Fruit | Dr.Manthena’s Health Tips


Fruits of the blood plum: nutrient-rich, sweet and juicy

The red-leaved plum of blood offers an unforgettable pleasure at first sight. Dark red, round fruits present themselves in full splendor in September. They reach a diameter of up to 5 centimeters.

useful information

Depending on the variety, the small drupes show up in a multifaceted picture. Most are round to oval. Only in the Hollywood variety can you harvest long, cherry-red fruits. Since the beginning of the 20th century, it has supplemented the fruity offer of Central Europe. To this day, the easy-care Prunus cerasifera has established itself as an important ornamental shrub in native gardens, heaths or parks. The delicate branches of the shrub or high trunk prove to be a decorative spring decoration.

Many people avoid the fruits because it is mistakenly considered toxic in many places. The seeds are not suitable for consumption. With regard to the valuable pulp, however, the opposite is true. Its taste is reminiscent of a blend of delicate mirabelle plums and egg plums. It enriches the autumnal fruit offer with its juicy consistency.

In muesli or on the fruit plate, these plums are very popular with children. Even small bushes produce a remarkable amount of fruits. Depending on the type of blood plum, there are minimal differences in terms of taste, texture and ripening time.


The fruits are considered as valuable food without exception.

They contain:

In addition, the dark varieties of Blutpflaume contain a high proportion of dyes with antioxidant effects. Justifiably, Prunus cerasifera is one of the classic medicinal plants. In the Bach flower therapy after Edward Bach the plant essence of the blood plum is used. In this way, patients will find their way back to serenity and relaxation.

Tips & Tricks

As a delicious jam, mush or plum kernel liqueur you can enjoy these fruits all year round.