Why is it, if the blood currant does not bloom?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Resilient Are The Blooms?
Video: How Resilient Are The Blooms?


Why is it, if the blood currant does not bloom?

That a blood currant does not develop flowers, occurs only very rarely. The fault is in most cases a wrong pruning. Occasionally, a poor location or a completely drained soil can cause the spring bloom to fail.

Early article Small instructions for cutting red currants Next article Identify and combat diseases of the currant

The conditions for a rich flowering

Bloodcrackers are undemanding gardeners who do not need much care. Even on dirt roads and forest rains, they show their abundance of flowers even as very young plants in spring.

The location in the garden should be as sunny as possible or at least partially shady. Since the plants cope well with nutrient-poor soils, frequent fertilization is not necessary. Only on very poor soils can you occasionally administer some nettle or plant fertilizer.

Like all currant varieties, the currant coop does not tolerate waterlogging. A loose soil is therefore the prerequisite for good growth.

Ensure wind-protected place

In a sheltered place, bloodcurrants carry much more flowers than a windy location. If your currant has little or no bloom, plant it in front of a wall.

Never cut back bloodcurrants radically

A radical pruning to promote flowering does not make sense. The flowering is not stimulated by the cut. On the contrary, after a complete pruning the blood currant blooms in the next year not at all.

Always cut your scented currant only when it is unavoidable.

Cut the currant directly after flowering

In the current year, red currants are forming branches where the flowers will grow for the coming spring.

If you do not want to do without a pruning cut back the shrub just after flowering in May. If the currant is later cut in the summer, fall or early spring, remove any shoots that show new blooms next year.

In autumn, you can cut all dry and sick shoots safely. Vertically waking branches can be cut as well as water shotguns sprouting from the ground next to the main trunk.

Tips & Tricks

If the currant has spread too much, you can prune it in the fall. Only the excess shoots at the base will be cropped. After a strong pruning in autumn, however, you must expect that the shrub will develop only a few flowers in the following spring.