Tips for planting blood beech

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to plant bare root hedges | Grow at Home | Royal Horticultural Society
Video: How to plant bare root hedges | Grow at Home | Royal Horticultural Society


A blood beech is very large - that should be considered when planting

Tips for planting blood beech

Blood beech is one of the most decorative deciduous trees native to our latitudes. The up to 300 years old expectant tree is easy to maintain, if you consider a few things when planting.

Previous article The Decorative Blood Beech - A small profile! Next article Plant a hedge of blood beech

Which location is suitable for the beech?

Blood beeches like it sunny to partially shaded. The site does not have to be protected because the tree is robust and weatherproof.

How should the plant substrate be?

How big should the planting distance be?

As a single tree the blood beech needs a lot of space around it. The tree should stand at least five meters away from other plants for its proper application.

When planting as a hedge, the minimum distance is 50 centimeters.

When is the best planting time?

The best planting time is autumn, in October or November.

What should be considered when planting?

A larger beech should always be planted in pairs. Lift a sufficiently large planting hole and insert the root ball straight.

While one person holds the tree straight, the second pours the soil back on and kicks it.

A planting rod prevents the tree from growing in the first years.

Can the beech be transplanted later?

A younger blood beech can sometimes be implemented. The older the tree, the harder it is to get the roots out of the ground. Transplanting is therefore not recommended.

When does the blood beech flower?

The blood beech flowers from the end of April for a few weeks. The fruits ripen in September and October.

How are blood books multiplied?

Propagation is done by sowing beechnuts or pulling cuttings. This requires a tree that grows in the wild and has not been pruned for a long time.

Can the blood beech be pulled as bonsai?

Blood beech are very popular as bonsai. They are very easy to cut and only have to be repotted regularly.


If you plant a beech tree in the garden as a decorative deciduous tree, remember that the beechroots are spreading strongly. Keep sufficient distance to neighboring properties, house walls and walkways.