How is a flower meadow created without digging?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to create a Wildflower Meadow: Wildlife Garden Design Guide - Episode 4.
Video: How to create a Wildflower Meadow: Wildlife Garden Design Guide - Episode 4.


Flower meadows should rarely be mowed

How is a flower meadow created without digging?

By digging up the soil, the valuable soil structure is disturbed. Digging is not always the best method. There are alternatives to develop a species-rich flower meadow.

How to create a flower meadow without digging:

Reduce nursing measures

Reduce the mowing dates for your lawn to naturally turn the green area into a colorful flower meadow. It is sufficient if you mow the area once or twice a year. Avoid further care measures such as fertilizing and mulching. As a result, the soil is slowly nutrient-poor. Over time, typical herbs and flowers settle on the lawn, growing in the area surrounding the garden.

If your garden is located on the edge of the village, a species-rich meadow is created by seed flying. A garden in the city is isolated. Here you need more patience until the lawn has changed naturally.

Cover surface with foil

Smaller seeded areas in the lawn act as flower islands, from which the plants automatically spread over the lawn over the years. Cover the area you want to convert to the flower meadow with a black foil. The foil is weighted with stones. After about three to four weeks, the grass has died under the foil.

Use a rake to roughen the surface. Then sow the desired seeds on the surface. Mix the seeds with sand or shavings to ensure even distribution of seeds on the surface. Roll the soil to keep the seeds in contact with the substrate and not covered by the soil. The seeds need light to germinate.

If you sow seeds in May, you must ensure that they are sufficiently watered. Keep the surface evenly moist for the next two to three weeks. Fall seeding in September or early seeding in March will require low temperature rainfall to ensure optimal water management. In the summer months creates a shading fleece on smaller areas remedy. It prevents excessive water evaporation.

Apply preferred plants

Choose at least 15 different species that grow on flowering meadows. The seeds are pulled in a pot before being planted in the lawn. Plant the adult flower meadow species in small groups consisting of three to five identical plant species. Distribute the groups over the entire lawn area. The preferred plants have a growth advantage over the competitive grasses so that they can hold their own in the field.

Special wild herb mats already contain seeds of meadow flower species or preferred plants. They are placed on a lawn, pressed and moistened. The fleece prevents weeds from growing. Already in the first year, the species develop flowers and fruits, so they spread quickly on the surface.