Creating a perennial flower bed - ideas for design

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Design a Full Sun Perennial Flowerbed
Video: How to Design a Full Sun Perennial Flowerbed


Phlox must not be missing in the perennial stump bed

Creating a perennial flower bed - ideas for design

One of the most beautiful elements of garden design is a colorful flower border with a good plant selection. Ideal for this are perennial shrubs, of which there are countless species and flowers in ridges of color combinations.

Perennial plants reduce the workload

Perennials are at least biennial plants without wood. Most species grow herbaceous and die to the ground in autumn. In the spring, however, new shoots sprout from the roots, which are so securely protected from frost, and the plant again blooms in full beauty. However, some perennials are also evergreen and cover the ground with their greens in winter. These include, for example, the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) and other hellebore species (Helleborus). At some sites, it really blooms around the Christmas season, but in most environments and heavy soils, the flowers only appear in spring. But no matter which perennial plant you choose, it greatly reduces the amount of work in the flowerbed, because you do not have to plant or sow them again every year, such as annual summer flowers.

Perennial borders or mixed bedding?

A true perennial border contains only perennial shrubs - but no shrubs, tubers or other plant species. This type of rebate is very labor intensive, and plants that die before they even bloom leave unsightly gaps. For this reason, this bedding shape is a little out of fashion today. In a mixed discounts, however, there are many perennials, but in connection with shrubs, summer flowers, tubers and possibly even attractive vegetables. During the growth phase gaps are filled with shrubs with decorative foliage and when the perennials die off in the fall, evergreen plants and bulbous flowers still provide color as well as an interesting eye-catcher.

The most beautiful perennials for perennial flowerbeds

For traditional perennial borders are the high white Edelmargeriten, the pale mauve scabious with their abundance of tiny flowers and the wonderfully fragrant Phlox (Phlox) with their heavy flower umbels in pinks and oranges typical. All of these perennials work well with other flowers and bloom for a long time. Daylilies and ornamental lilies have band-shaped leaves, which form a good contrast. The sheaf (Achillea) bears feathered leaves and tiny petals in daisy form. 'Gold Plate' is a popular tall variety with impressive bright yellow flowers. This genus is a perfect match for many other perennials such as astilbe, cranesbill or lady's mantle.


Even self-exhibiting plants fit well in a perennial flowerbed. The low-alert lady's mantle sprouts generously and therefore fits best to the Beetrand.