Create flowerbed - The best tips for planning, implementation, planting

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant a Flower Bed: 3 Secret Design Tips!
Video: How to Plant a Flower Bed: 3 Secret Design Tips!


Good planning saves a lot of work

Create flowerbed - The best tips for planning, implementation, planting

Flower borders in parks as well as in the garden are indispensable, but enrich with their colorful sea of ​​flowers every gray and boring spot behind the house. A small flower bed creates color joy and fragrance at unsightly corners and even fits into the terraced garden. In order for you to enjoy it for a long time, you need a plan in which you can compare ideas and concrete ideas with the realities on the ground and see what can be achieved. This little planner will help you.

Plan flowerbed

However, before you walk into the garden with your spade in hand, to plant the perennials we have acquired spontaneously in the garden center, take some time for some planning. Of course, especially beautiful flowerbeds often seem like random. However, rest assured that they are rarely true. On the contrary, careful considerations and a precise planting plan creates the most beautiful flowering oases.


Maybe you already have a specific cookie in mind, maybe you are also looking for a good spot for your favorite flowers. The fact is that the planting depends on the location - there is no wrong location, only inappropriate planting. Relevant in this case are the light conditions (sunny, partially shady, light shady, shady) and the soil conditions (sandy, loamy, humus), for which there are always the pasen plants.

Flowers for a sunny location

Most flowering plants feel particularly well in sunny locations and are best seen here. Plant perennials here, such as:

Of course, this listing can not claim to be complete.

Flowers for a partially shaded location

Parthypot defines an area in the garden that receives at least four to six hours of sun per day. Here, among other things, the following flowers feel comfortable:

Again, this is just a small selection.

Flowers for a shady location

Even for the shady areas in the garden are still suitable species:

Size and shape

Flower beds do not always have to be rectangular - you can create them in all imaginable shapes and sizes. The only important thing is that you can get to any place in the bed at any time to maintain the plants there according to their needs. For very large discounts, it may therefore be useful to design stepping stones o. Ä. Or create ways. Also, you should have thought in advance about the planting: Now check whether the desired perennials and flowers actually fit into the planned bed and keep the recommended planting distances in mind.


Plants can only grow healthily and bloom lushly if they have enough space. If the shrubs are too narrow, they compete for space, light and air - with the result that both the growth and the flowering splendor suffers. Plant the individual species systematically in the bed, with the high-growing plants always in the background or, for example in round beds, in the middle. On the other hand, you plant smaller shrubs in the foreground. Also, be careful that taller perennials do not steal the light from the smaller ones.

Create flowerbed properly

If the planning is ready, you can now start with the actual creation of the flower bed. First, unplug the surface to get an idea of ​​its size and shape - and correct it if necessary.


If you want to lay the flowerbed on a piece of lawn, first remove the sod. Prick out the pieces of grass and set them aside. Do not dig the grass, otherwise it may soon overgrow your new flowerbed. Thoroughly and deeply dig the surface and carefully shred the earth crumbs with a rake or a rake. Stones and roots should be removed carefully.

soil improvement

Loamy, heavy soils get a drainage layer, for example of coarse gravel and gravel. The excavation itself is broken up with sand and compost. On the other hand, very sandy soils can be improved with compost and possibly with mother earth. However, be sure to select the plant species pas to the soil - lean plants will not feel comfortable in compost-mixed loamy soils.

Plant flowerbed and shape

Once the bed has been prepared, it is best to plant the bed enclosure and any stepping stones and paths before planting.

Collect design ideas and examples

Do not plant the shrubs colorfully in the bed, but make a useful planting plan. This ensures that the bed flowers thanks to different flowering times from spring to autumn and the individual perennials come into their own. Meaningful are so-called theme beds, in which, for example, flowers are planted sorted by flower colors. Collect ideas and ideas for the design of your flower bed, for example with neighbors or in garden books. For instructions on planting perennials see here.


If you do not want to do too much work with your flowerbed, look for low maintenance plants right from the start - and ways to suppress the growth of weeds. Often the mulching of the bed helps with bark mulch or you create a pebble bed.