How to plant blue rain - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Aechmea Blue Rain - grow & care (Blue rain plant)
Video: Aechmea Blue Rain - grow & care (Blue rain plant)


Wisteria needs a climbing aid and lots of sun

How to plant blue rain - tips and tricks

Would you like to bring Mediterranean flair in your garden, then the lush flowering blue rain is not the worst choice. Before planting, however, keep in mind that it is very toxic and may require appropriate precautions.

The best location for blue rain

As a heat-loving climber, the wisteria prefers a sunny spot, ideally protected against strong wind. He also needs a stable trellis aid. Do not let it grow on the rainpipe, as the years go by, your wisteria could push in the pipe. Incidentally, a blue rain can also be drawn as a high stem.

The right soil for blue rain

The blue-green gene perceives as ideal a permeable nutrient-rich soil with not too high lime content. A loamy soil should be loosened up by adding sand. In lean soil, on the other hand, it helps to mix well-matured compost.

If your soil is too nitrogen rich for the blue rain, it will grow abundantly but will only bloom sparingly. He also becomes susceptible to fungal diseases. In this case you should do without nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

Planting tips in brief:

Pour and fertilize the wisteria

During the growth phase and the flowering period, your wisteria needs enough water and nutrients. If the soil is dry, water regularly so that the flowers do not fall off. Through a mulch layer you keep the moisture longer in the ground. Provide the blue worm around once a month with a lime-free and low-nitrogen fertilizer.

Trimming crops properly

Due to its really strong growth you should uncircumcise a wisteria regularly. As a rule, one cut is recommended in summer and winter. This keeps the growth in check and the blue rain is less wind-prone. A radical pruning is then not necessary, although the blue rain also survives this quite well.

Diseases and pests in the blue rain

With good care and at the right location, the blue rain is quite robust. However, with persistent moisture and nitrogen-rich soil, it tends to fungal attack and chlorosis. The leaves turn yellow and fall off later.

Her blue rain in the winter

The Blauregen is considered hardy8 / link], he needs a winter protection only in the first years. If he is protected from cold eastern winds, then his buds will hardly freeze, these are unfortunately sensitive to frost. As a container plant, you can hibernate your wisteria better frost-free.


Even if the blue rain is hardy, he is happy about a sunny and warm location.