How to cultivate wisteria in the tub - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make wisteria flower
Video: How to make wisteria flower


The bucket for the wisteria must be big enough

How to cultivate wisteria in the tub - tips and tricks

Although a lush flowering wisteria in full size looks particularly splendid, but the cultivation in the bucket is quite possible. Here, the plant grows slower, but that's not a disadvantage, maybe even desired.

Plant the wisteria properly

The blue rain always grows towards the light, that is, in the air, as long as this is possible. For this he needs a climbing aid, even if the plant is in the pot. It looks different, however, if you want to pull the wisteria in the bucket as a high trunk. In both cases, the ideal planting time is spring.

Choose a sufficiently large planter, it should be slightly larger than the previous pot and have a drain hole in the ground. Place a large piece of pottery over it so the hole does not clog so quickly. Then fill in lime-free, rather acid soil with a high nutrient content. Put your wisteria in the pot and pour it well. Then put your wisteria in a sunny spot.

Water the fertilizer correctly and fertilize

To ensure that your wisteria is always well supplied even in the limited supply of nutrients in the tub, you should fertilize it regularly from spring to autumn. The water requirement varies depending on the temperature and is quite high, especially in the flowering period. Then daily watering is announced.

Trimming the wisteria properly

Not only to limit its overly lush and wild growth, you should prune your wisteria twice a year. In the pot or bucket, this pruning is particularly important. The wisteria flowers only on old but short shoots. If you do not prune it, it will bloom less, if not less, over the years. Then it's time for a radical cut.

Hibernate the wisteria well

Although the wisteria rain is considered hardy, it definitely needs a winter protection in the bucket, so that the roots do not freeze. Wrap the whole planter with an old blanket, jute sacks or a fleece, also from below. Alternatively, you can also overwinter the blue rain in the greenhouse. It should be cool there, but almost frost-free. Especially the buds are quite sensitive to frost.

The essentials in brief:


Remember that the blue rain is very poisonous before you put it on your balcony or terrace. Do not let children play unattended, especially while the tempting pods are ripening.