How to properly fertilize blue rain - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Aechmea Blue Rain - grow & care (Blue rain plant)
Video: Aechmea Blue Rain - grow & care (Blue rain plant)


Especially young blue worms are happy about additional nutrients

How to properly fertilize blue rain - tips and tricks

The winter hardy blue rain has a very high nutrient requirement. This is no wonder considering its strong growth and abundance of flowers over several weeks. A regular supply of high quality fertilizer is therefore recommended.

Do I have to fertilize blue rain all year round?

In winter, your blue rain needs no fertilizer, as most other plants do. After the second flowering in late summer, you should adjust the fertilizer best. After all, the plant does not have to drive out. Start the regular fertilization again next spring, some time before flowering.

Which fertilizer is best for blue rain?

Before you resort to the fertilizer you should know what needs the Blauregen. In addition to a good supply of nutrients, a location with plenty of light is part of it. If you use a special long-term fertilizer, then you should stick to the package leaflet with the dosage. It does not have to be given as often as a commercial liquid fertilizer.

Be sure to pay attention to the nitrogen content of the fertilizer used. He should be as low as possible. Ideal for fertilizing a blues reagent is well-rotted compost, which you can apply in a thin layer or carefully work into the soil. With manure you should be careful, because chicken manure contains too much nitrogen. Although this leaves your wisteria to grow quickly and many leaves to form, but then the bloom often stops.

Does my wisteria sometimes need special fertilizer?

Directly at the planting you are allowed to add some lime into the planting pit. In this way he beats roots faster. Later, you do not give any more lime, it could do more harm than continue to use. To encourage the flowering of your bladder gene you can give it some superphosphate once in April.

The essentials in brief:


If your blue rain does not bloom, it could be due to the wrong fertilizer. Try a variety with less nitrogen.