This care needs a blue pillow to bloom rich!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network
Video: Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network


Blue cushions often come without fertilizer

This care needs a blue pillow to bloom rich!

Whether on dry stone walls, in perennial beds or in the rock garden between the pathways - the blue cushion appears frugal. And yet, it takes some care to flower every year from new growth and preserve its dense growth. What is really necessary?

Plant Blue Cushion: Planting Time, Location, Distance & Co Next article Everything you need to know about cutting blue cushions

Does the blue cushion need fertilizer?

Inevitably, the blue cushion does not have to be fertilized every year if it has been planted in a nutrient-rich soil. If you want to stimulate his growth, a subtle fertilizer in the spring, for example, in the form of rotted compost is sufficient.

Free fertilizer comes in the form of eggshells. They contain a lot of lime, which benefits the blue cushion. The egg shells are pulverized and then mixed gently as fertilizer in the substrate.

Is it right that you do not have to pour the blue pillow?

That the blue cushion can handle a dry earth well, is correct. But longer dry periods do not like it. Therefore, it should be poured in dry periods. Otherwise, the casting is not required. On the contrary, a too moist soil would quickly lead to rot. Waterlogging does not tolerate this upholstery plant at all.

Is overwintering necessary and sensible?

The blue pillow:

Are there any potential diseases and pests?

When there is nothing better about green, snails like to attack the leaves of the blue pillow. Otherwise there are no typical pests. Grays can be sick with too much moisture.

When and how is the blue cushion cut?

Immediately after flowering, the blue cushion is cut. The cut should be made by June at the latest, because then the flower buds for the next year train and otherwise be cut off.

When cutting the blue cushion, the shoots are cut in half. This not only stimulates a second flower, but also promotes a dense growth.


Every 4 to 6 years the blue cushion should be shared. On the occasion, it can immediately be transplanted and propagated.