Blue Iron Hat: Beware of his seeds!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand (Official Video)
Video: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand (Official Video)


The seeds of the Blue Iron Hat are highly poisonous

Blue Iron Hat: Beware of his seeds!

Anyone who has met him once, will not confuse him so quickly. With its straight-line growth, its foliage and its butterfly-like, blue-violet flowers, it is significant. When handling his seeds you should be careful!

Characteristics of the seeds

Like its other parts, its seeds are highly toxic. Together with the tuber, they represent the most poisonous parts of this most perceptible half-shade perennial.

Here are their features at a glance:


If you order seeds for sowing, you should keep them at home in a safe place where children and pets do not have access!