Identify and combat leafspot fungus on the privet

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fungus on Okra Leaves
Video: Fungus on Okra Leaves


Stains on the leaves can be a consequence of leaf blotch disease

Identify and combat leafspot fungus on the privet

One of the few diseases that occur on the privet is the leafspot fungus. In an otherwise healthy hedge, you do not have to worry so much. If the infestation occurs very frequently, location and care mistakes can be responsible. How do you combat leafspot fungus on the privet?

Signs of infestation with leafspot fungus

If the leaves of the leaflet turn yellow in autumn, this usually has a natural cause. There are also yellow species such as the gold privet, which always carry yellow leaves.

If yellow leaves appear on a green variety in the summer and stains also appear on the topsides, you must expect an infestation with leaf stain fungus.

Causes of leafspot fungus on the privet

Different causes can be responsible. Mostly, however, the spores of the fungus are already in the garden and are transferred to the privet.

Unfavorable site conditions and a too humid or dry climate can favor the spread of the leaf spot fungus.

Fight leaf stain fungus on the privet

You can not do much if the leafspot fungus has infested the privet. There are only a few pesticides that are approved for the private garden, and these are usually less effective.

If the infestation is not too strong, you do not have to fight the fungal infestation. The privet can handle it alone. If the sight disturbs you, cut off all affected shoots generously and dispose of them in the household waste - not in the compost!

Collect fallen leaves and do not leave them in the garden as the spores are in the leaves and can trigger a new infestation.

To prevent the leafspot fungus from the privet

Very important is the cleanliness of the garden tools. Thoroughly clean all cutting tools before use so that you do not transfer fungal spores from one plant to another.


Another fungal disease that can occur in privates is mildew. Almost always it is powdery mildew, which occurs in very hot and dry summers. Mildew, on the other hand, prefers a humid climate.