Pear tree spraying - when is this necessary?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Reasons Why Your Fruit Tree is Not Producing Fruit
Video: 4 Reasons Why Your Fruit Tree is Not Producing Fruit


Pear tree spraying - when is this necessary?

Fungi, aphids, harmful insects - the list of enemies of the pear tree is long. Sometimes it only helps to spray the tree to fight pests and other pathogens. Try using biological agents first.

When does spraying help?

If the aphids over-take or rot the fruits on the tree, it can help to treat the tree with organic sprays.

Plant broths have proven themselves well. In this case, nettle broth or tobacco brew are used against aphids. Birch leaf broth and field horsetail anthers against fungal attack.

Not all diseases of the pear tree spraying makes sense. When pear grid this measure is meaningless. Here only remains to cut off affected parts and to wait for the leaf shedding in the fall. In addition, all juniper bushes in the vicinity must be soft.

Plant broths and plant buds for spraying the pear tree

If you need to spray your pear tree, try using organic pesticides. Especially helpful are the following broths and brews:

The basic recipe for plant broths is always the same. Pour one kilo of fresh cabbage with ten liters of water.

Allow the mixture to stand covered for a few hours to a day. Remove the broth, extend with water and fill with the garden sprayer.

The right time for spraying

It is best to use the time before spraying for spraying. If the pest infestation occurs later, it is already too late for this measure.

When spraying your tree after flowering, use only biological agents. Chemical agents remain in the fruits and render them inedible.

Choose a dry day when it is neither too sunny nor too windy.

Wear gloves, headgear and goggles

On windy days, make sure that you always guide the jet downwind. Otherwise there is a risk that you fog yourself.

Ensure good eye, head and hands protection when working with chemicals.

Tips & Tricks

Sometimes the pear tree is so heavily attacked by fungi or pests that only the injection of chemical agents helps. Look for products that do not harm beneficial insects such as bees. When spraying the tree, follow the manufacturer's instructions.