Pear trees can not fertilize themselves - what to do?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertilizing Fruit Trees in the Fall | Young Fruit Tree Fertilizing
Video: Fertilizing Fruit Trees in the Fall | Young Fruit Tree Fertilizing


Pear trees can not fertilize themselves - what to do?

If your pear tree develops many flowers but does not produce fruit, the cause is often a lack of fertilization. Pear trees are generally not self-pollinating. Without a second tree, it usually does not work.

Pear trees do not fertilize themselves

Many pear varieties are self-sterile. They carry so-called hermaphrodite flowers, which unite both male and female organs in a flower. Self-fertilization does not take place in hermaphrodite flowers.

In order to enable fertilization, the pear tree relies on another pollinator. This is usually a second tree with the same botanical characteristics, for example a second pear tree. This may be the pear tree in the neighboring garden, or you may plant another variety yourself.

Both trees must be within easy reach of each other so that wind and bees can pollinate.

Pay attention to trees with the same flowering time

When selecting the second variety, make sure that both trees flower at the same time, because fertilization at a different flowering time is not possible.

Pear varieties that are particularly suitable for fertilization

There are a few pear varieties that are good for many other pear trees as pollinators. The most well-known are:

Plant one of these pear varieties close to your pear tree and increase the prospect of a rich harvest.

If you are not sure which pollinator suits your pear tree, the nursery will be happy to advise you. Also on the Internet there are extensive overviews, which pear varieties fertilize each other.

Pear trees with two varieties on a tree

Another solution is pear cultivations, in which the underlay has been refined with two different pear varieties. Such varieties carry two varieties on a tree. It only needs to be ensured that the flowering time of the two selected varieties falls within the same time.

Tips & Tricks

There is not enough room in most gardens for two pear trees. Just place several pear trees as trellises on the wall or on wire racks in the garden. Trellis bulbs need little space. You can easily plant several varieties.