Pear tree - the right location for rich crops

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Prune Apple and Pear Trees | Espaliered Fruit Tree Pruning
Video: How to Prune Apple and Pear Trees | Espaliered Fruit Tree Pruning


Pear tree - the right location for rich crops

Pear trees are among the classics among the fruit tree species for the garden. Choosing the right location creates the foundation for rich harvests. At the same time, by planting in a suitable place, you prevent fungal diseases and pests.

Preliminary considerations for the right location

Pear trees can grow up to 200 years old and reach considerable heights over time. Treetops of several meters in diameter are not uncommon. As expansive as the crown, the root system runs underground.

When choosing the right location, the space requirement of the tree must be taken into account. Once the tree is fully grown, it can hardly be transplanted without heavy equipment.

You must plant at least two pear trees for pear varieties of one pear, otherwise fertilization will not work.Depending on their size, the trees must be planted at least three to eight meters away.

Site conditions for pear trees

Pear trees love sunny and then develop particularly sweet fruits. But they also thrive in a partially shaded place, where the fruits get at least several hours of sun. On the other hand, they do not like the wind so much and should therefore be planted in a sheltered place.

Some varieties tolerate wind and cooler temperatures better than others. The choice of pear variety should be made according to the prevailing local conditions.

The soil texture

Basically, pear trees grow well on any humus rich, not too chalky garden soil. Optionally, enrichment with mature compost or mature manure improves soil quality.

Like all fruit trees, pear trees need a lot of water. However, the pear does not tolerate waterlogging. In this case, ensure a good drainage.

In very dry locations, a mulch cover around the tree disc prevents the roots from drying out.

That depends on the right location:

Tips & Tricks

Your garden is too small or you can not find an ideal location? Just pull the pear tree in a bucket or as a trellis fruit. The yield is not as high as in a free-range pear, but it can hold several pear varieties.