How old are pear trees?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Pear trees - Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Pear trees - Complete Growing Guide


How old are pear trees?

If you plant a pear tree in the garden, you must be aware that these trees can reach a ripe old age. Wild forms can grow up to 300 years old. The average tree grows up to 70 years.

Pear trees can live for hundreds of years

Most hobby gardeners are unaware that pear trees can reach a very old age.

Anyone who wants to plant a pear tree in the garden must therefore find the ideal location. After all, the tree is supposed to grow and thrive there for a long time.

When planting, it should also be considered that the pear tree becomes very large and expansive in the course of its long life if it is not cut in time. With the right care measures, the growth can be slowed down a bit.

Plant grafted pear trees

Refined pear trees only become as old as the tree that forms the foundation. Often quinces are used, which have a shorter life span. Quince-refined pears reach an age of about 70 years.

Tips & Tricks

The age of a pear tree is only approximate. That a tree is already very old, can be seen from the fact that the bark shows the typical Aufplatzungen. The height and size of the tree also allow conclusions about its age.