The professional care of the betel palm

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Eating Betel Nut Palm / Bunga with Spicy Chili | Boy Tibay
Video: Eating Betel Nut Palm / Bunga with Spicy Chili | Boy Tibay


The betel palm is happy when it is allowed on the balcony or in the garden in summer

The professional care of the betel palm

Because of its broad, extremely attractive leaves, the betel palm is one of the most popular houseplants. However, it is not so easy, because in addition to the right location, she needs consistent and good care for healthy growth.

The water requirement

The Betelpalme is a quite thirsty plant that needs a lot of water. It reacts very sensitively to dryness. Always keep the soil moist. In contrast to many types of palm trees, it does not make a wet root ball much, provided that a drainage layer made of expanded clay or other suitable materials ensures the regulation of moisture. Always pour with room-warm, lime-free water.

How is fertilized?

During the summer months, a special palm fertilizer, fertilized at the manufacturer's recommended concentration, is applied at 14-day intervals.

When do I have to repackage?

This palm tolerates frequent repotting very badly. Therefore, put them in a new container only every three to four years. Pay attention to the following points in this care measure:

How is it cut?

As a rule, the betel palm does not have to be shortened, as it grows slowly and more broadly in the room. Only fully dried fronds may be removed close to the trunk.

Which pests and diseases threaten?

Betelpalme reacts very sensitively to care mistakes. Brown leaf tips indicate too dry air, so spray the plant daily. If the irrigation water contains too much lime, the foliage becomes spotty.

Woolly and scale lice occur frequently in the cold season. In case of slight infestation, carefully remove the harmful insects with a sharp knife or cotton ball. In case of heavy infestation usually only treatment with a suitable insecticide helps.


The betel palm is very heat loving and must be wintered in the house, at temperatures of about twenty degrees.


Betelpalms are ideal plants for hot humid areas or the winter garden, where other plants and regular moistening ensure sufficient humidity. Here they develop to their full splendor and can reach heights of growth of up to two meters. However, fruits as in their natural habitat are rarely expected here.