Bergenie: Which location does she benefit from?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
#лимонниккитайский / Цветение   Лимонника  китайского ( лат. Schisandra chinensis) Часть I
Video: #лимонниккитайский / Цветение Лимонника китайского ( лат. Schisandra chinensis) Часть I


Bergenien likes to stand in the sun or partial shade

Bergenie: Which location does she benefit from?

It is easy to multiply. In nursing she is undemanding and she does not take much space. But does the Bergenie grow equally well in every location?

Next article Care of the Bergenie: Do not miss her!

Too shady - too lazy

If you plant your Bergenie in a shady location, you sooner or later have to expect that the Bergenie will be lazy and eventually stop blooming.

The following aspects should be taken into account when choosing a location:


Freshly propagated specimens such as cuttings and split Bergenia should not be exposed to the sun. It is warm and rooting starts. But the too fast evaporating water throws the whole thing over the bill.