How to Maintain a Benjeshecke Exemplary - Instructions for Beginners

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Naturschönheiten suchen und finden, Brennender Busch, Heimische Orchideen uvm.
Video: Naturschönheiten suchen und finden, Brennender Busch, Heimische Orchideen uvm.


The Benjes hedge should be filled regularly

How to Maintain a Benjeshecke Exemplary - Instructions for Beginners

A Benjes hedge is much more than a loose collection of pruned trees. In order for the green wall to transform into an island of life after being donated, the right care needs to be taken care of. These instructions explain all measures for the successful development of the deadwood pile to the ecologically valuable tree hedge with privacy protection effect.

It's so easy to take care of a Benjes hedge

In the start phase, the care is limited to stacking clippings in a suitable order. Gather thick branches at the bottom to create habitat for small mammals such as hedgehogs. For thinner clippings is the right place in the upper wall area, because birds like to place their nests at a safe distance to the ground. The actual care of a Benjes hedge focuses on the following precautions:

Give slowly growing fruit trees and clippings of deciduous trees the preference to make the Benjeshecke out of it. Nadelreisig should be integrated sparingly, because it acidifies the soil in the long run.

Bridge from deadwood to living hedge - tips for planting

Over decades of experience in the care of Benjeshecken, it has been proven that supplemental planting is beneficial. By successively planting preferred native wild fruit trees, you control the growth of the tree hedge in the desired direction. Perfect candidates are the following types and varieties:

All recommended wild fruit shrubs adorn your Benjes hedge with beautiful flowers. At the same time, the flowers and berry fruits serve winged and feathered gardeners as a valuable food source. Thorny shrubs, such as the barberry, protect bird nests from ravenous cats.


Over time, the pressure of the stacked clippings on the support piles increases. Now the robust rods of berry bushes come into focus to stabilize the sidewalls of a Benjes hedge. If you weave the tendrils of blackberry or raspberry bushes between the wooden posts, the wall remains in balance.