Do daisies tolerate frost? - So are Bellis frostproof

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do daisies tolerate frost? - So are Bellis frostproof - Garden
Do daisies tolerate frost? - So are Bellis frostproof - Garden


Wild daisies are absolutely frost hardy in the grass

Do daisies tolerate frost? - So are Bellis frostproof

When looking at magnificent Bellis varieties with lush flowers, doubts about their winter hardiness come up. Wondering if daisies in the bed and on the balcony actually tolerate frost? This guide gives a sound answer with tips on adequate protective measures.

Prior Bellis are sensitive to frost - so you prevent frost damage

Just in time for the beginning of spring, the shelves fill with colorful Bellis in garden centers. Driven by the yearning for the first flowers in the bed, hobby gardeners plant the little beauties immediately and are bitterly disappointed. Even a frosty night puts an end to the short Bellis life. This does not have to be the case if you harden early, cold-sensitive daisies in the greenhouse. That is how it goes:

This phase of acclimatization optimizes the frost tolerance of preferred daisies. If you want to play it safe, plant Bellis varieties at the end of April / beginning of May. For noble premium varieties with richly filled flowers, the planting time begins after the sacred ice, when no more ground frosts are to be feared.

Sowing directs produces pithy Bellis - patience pays off

Eliminate any concerns over the hardiness of frost by planting Bellis directly in the bed. As a biennial plant, daisies outlast the first winter in the form of a basal leaf rosette. This green leafy creature is hardy to - 34 degrees Celsius and requires no protective measures. With the beginning of spring, the rosette raises slender, leafless flower stalks with the delicate flower baskets on their tips.

After all, the charming flowers tolerate frost to -8 degrees Celsius, so that they develop in mild conditions already from February / March and last until late autumn.


In care, the art of omission makes an important contribution to the hardiness of Bellis. Brushing fertilizer out of the care program of daisies strengthens this prudence the degree of winter hardiness. For Maßliebchen in the pot and flower box, the nutrient supply in the substrate is completely sufficient for a vital flowering period.