Bed design with stones

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Make a Garden | English Garden Design Ideas
Video: How to Make a Garden | English Garden Design Ideas


Stones bring structure into the garden bed

Bed design with stones

Stones are beautiful decorative elements, not only in stone beds. They give the bed a natural touch and can be beautifully combined with water elements, ground cover and grasses. Here are some nice ideas for bed design with stones.

Stones for the garden bed

There are many different types of rocks as well as different sizes, shapes and colors. In this article we would like to present you ideas for the use of the following rock types in the garden bed:

Field stones or quarry stones for the garden bed

You can find boulders or quarry stones on the roadside, in the field or in the forest. Farmers will even be glad if you remove the annoying big stones from their field. But beware! Do not steal stones from anyone he would like to own! If in doubt, ask. Also in the forest, the taking away of stones is generally not allowed. Inquire about the applicable regulations.

Field and quarry stones can be used in many ways in the bed:


Old bricks are ideal for small walls, bed borders or for creating paths. They are not as natural as field or quarry stones, but bring through their beautiful red color mood in the garden.

Pebbles or grit

Pebbles and gravel are often used for the creation of paths but also as cover of beds. They look modern and noble and prevent weed growth. With two different shades of gravel or grit you can put beautiful patterns in the garden bed. For example, white and gray is a very nice combination. In addition, easy-care grasses and a few trees and you have a modern rock garden.


Set shapes or paths with your stones. If you have a larger budget, you can create a course of water with stones in the garden bed.