Cutting berry bushes properly - tutorial with instructions

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Propagate Berry Bushes in Three Easy Steps!
Video: How to Propagate Berry Bushes in Three Easy Steps!


When raspberries are cut depends on when they are fruiting

Cutting berry bushes properly - tutorial with instructions

Berry bushes round off the plant plan in the orchard. Regular fertilization and watering is not enough for a lush harvest. Only the expert cut care guaranteed for a rich berry habit. This tutorial is packed with practical instructions for the perfect cut of berry bushes.

Berry shrubs cut - dates at a glance

After reading this tutorial, lush berry bushes are no longer reserved for the neighbors, who seem to be blessed with a green thumb. The following instructions clearly explained how to skilfully train your own green thumb for the perfect cut care of opulent berry bushes. The right time is just as important as the cut itself. The following table summarizes popular types with ideal cut dates:

Numerous berry bushes get a cut in early spring between late February and early March. Please choose a day for the specific appointment frost-free and covered weather, After cutting at temperatures below zero, there is a risk that pruned shoots will freeze.

Cut redcurrants and gooseberries

When it comes to cut care, redcurrants and gooseberries pull together so that the following instructions apply to both berry bushes. The longed-for fruits thrive on annual shoots sprouting from perennial rods. An annual conservation cut is aimed at a shrub with 2 x annual, 2 x 2 year old, 2 x 3 year old and 2 x 4 year old bottom shoots. How to do this, learn here:

The illustration below illustrates all phases of the pruning of currant and gooseberry. After you have removed the oldest rods and the remaining tendrils have slimmed down if necessary, then dedicate yourself to the shrub base. Remove all ground-level side branches up to a height of 30 centimeters. Along the 8 scaffold shoots young side shoots should be at a distance of 10 centimeters. Excessive side branches cut back on a 2 centimeter short pin.

Johannis and gooseberries benefit from a maintenance cut in combination with continuous rejuvenation. Remove three of the oldest scaffolding gears in exchange for young, unbranched ground shoots. Heavily ramified or overhanging scaffold drives redirect you to lower-lying shoots.

How to cut blackberries properly

Blackberry bushes bear the herb-sweet fruit on one-year-old side branches, which stand on two-year-old, up to 2 meters long rods. If a vine has spoiled us with delicious blackberries, it is cut off. The rigorous cut paves the way for new rods that flower and fruit after a year of growth in the second year. How to properly cut blackberries:

Important to note is the correct cut technique on buds when pruning the side shoots along one-year-old rods. Place the scissors 0.5 to 1 centimeter over an eye. Do not cut into the bud and do not leave a long stub. From these shortened side shoots sprout at the beginning of spring, the valuable fruit rods, which bring you in the autumn a rich berry harvest.


Measure the cut size of berry bushes according to the rule of thumb: the fewer fruit rods, the better the fruit quality and the larger the berries.

Summer raspberries - instructions for the cut

A characteristic feature of summer raspberries is the growth of very long rods, which bloom and fruit on their side shoots in the second year. This requires the selection of abraded and young tendrils when cutting. How to do it right:

The illustration below shows that summer raspberries are ideally reared on a frame about three inches high with three cross wires. For each meter of wire you tie the 10 strongest, this year's rods on. Previously, cut off harvested tendrils so you can have a good overview of the trellis and choose the most promising rods for next year's harvest. All other bottom shoots of the current season must give way.

After the summer harvest, cut off all the worn tendrils. The ten best this year's rods bind you to the trellis. In March of the following year you cut these rods back to 150 to 180 centimeters.

Roughly cutting autumn raspberries

Raspberry varieties with autumnal harvest make the gardener's life easy. Cashier hits like 'Aroma Queen' or 'Autumn Bliss' are blooming and fruiting this year's rods, The picture below illustrates the easy cutting care. After the harvest or in the following February / March cut off all the rods at the base. An approximately 120 centimeters high wire mesh serves as a supportive aid and simplifies the harvest. You are free to leave the tendrils in the bed after the harvest until the next early summer because they carry a few raspberries. Of course, you can achieve the optimum crop yield through a radical pruning in autumn or spring.

Autumn-bearing raspberries cut off after harvesting or next spring. This makes room for this year's, rich-looking rods.

Blend blueberries every year

Blueberries are the ideal berry bushes for gardeners with limited time. The tasty fruits thrive even if you do not crop the trees every year. It is enough if you have the spring every spring Auslichten oldest frame drive, in the sense of a continuous rejuvenation.

If, after a few years, the quality of the fruit no longer meets expectations, you will expand the cut care. At the end of February until the beginning of March you cut back strongly branched rods as part of a derivation cut. For this purpose, look in the lower rod area a short, strong side shoot, which is directed outwards. At the crotch of both shoots start the cut. On this occasion, you will cut off dead or hopelessly branched scaffold drives as close to the floor as possible. As a substitute you leave young, green rods of the previous year in the berry bush.

frequently asked Questions

In October of last year, I planted 3 berry bushes, which grew very well. I underestimated the strong growth, so that there is already a lack of space at the location. Can I transplant the shrubs? When would be the best time to do so?

Within the first five years it is easily possible to transplant berry bushes to another location. The ideal time window opens after the leaves are dropped in October / November. At the new location, prepare planting holes with fresh compost soil and then water regularly and abundantly. A pruning of the shoots should compensate for the lost root volume.

Our three-year-old blueberry shrub has hardly flowered so far and carried only a few berries. Is it because we have never cropped the berry bush?

Regular cutting and clearing promotes the growth of flowering branches, whereupon the yield improves significantly. In addition, it is advisable to plant at least one more blueberry bush. Most berry bushes benefit from the fact that several conspecifics are in close proximity, regardless of whether they are self-fertile varieties or not.

In your editing instructions you can read that autumn raspberries are pruning each year near the ground. Conversely, does that mean that the berry bushes do not produce fruit if they are not cut back?

An annual pruning optimizes the crop yield. Of course the cut is not necessary. The instructions are only a recommendation for the perfect cut care, if you want to achieve a rich berry harvest.

The 3 most common cut defects

When berry bushes degenerate into impenetrable undergrowth, with little flowering and scanty fruit, the plants suffer from a classic cutting defect. The following table summarizes the three most common mistakes of the cut care and gives practical tips for the prevention:



The perfect cut of berry bushes requires the gardener to differentiate between old and young shoots. Basically, the bark turns darker the older the wood gets. If you do not want to rely on the optical feature alone, you will have the tendrils with different colored rings.