
Posted on
Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bauernorchidee pflegen gießen düngen vermehren schneiden Standort Schizanthus
Video: Bauernorchidee pflegen gießen düngen vermehren schneiden Standort Schizanthus



The Bauernorchidee convinces with its lush flowering, which can be promoted by appropriate care measures. If you consider the site conditions, you have an easy-care ornamental plant that offers versatile uses. The herbaceous plants are suitable for outdoor and indoor use.


The peasant orchids are originally from South America, where they grow in the coastal regions of Chile. Its area stretches from Antofagasta in the north to Llanquihue Lake in the south. Two of the twelve species within this genus managed to spread across the high mountain regions of the Andes to Argentina. These species are characterized by particularly robust properties. By boat trips, farm orchids came to different parts of the world, where they are cultivated as annual plants.


The herbaceous plants develop flowers with five petals, which are mirror-symmetrical. A petal stands to the front, while two tend to the side. The two rear petals are fused into a boat and bent backwards. Each flower stands on a peduncle, which bends back over the growing season. When the plants are in full bloom, the flower stalks are rotated 72 degrees. Unlike other nightshade plants, farm orchids develop freestanding sepals.

The flowering period extends from spring to late summer, with the plants coming to bloom several times. Farm orchids are rarely pure white. The color palette of the flowers is broad and ranges from red to yellow to blue and black. They can appear monochrome or multicolored. Different-colored specimens develop eye-catching drawings in the flower center. Typical is a yellow-black colored flower eye. Monochrome breeding forms have pink, red or white shades. The color strength of the Bauernorchideen is intense and is characterized by a high luminosity.


The plants develop egg-shaped capsule fruits, the tip of which expires blunt or rounded. In a fruit are contained between twelve and 34 seeds, which are only two millimeters long. The fruits can grow up to ten millimeters in size. They develop several times a year. The first fruit ripening takes place in May. The last fruit development takes place in September.


Farm orchids develop finely structured foliage, which lays flat over the substrate. The leaves are strongly cut so that a feathery appearance is created. The sections have a roughly jagged leaf margin. The leaves grow between three and nine inches long. With their juicy shiny green they form an aesthetic contrast to the colorfully colored flowers. In autumn, the leaves wither.


The majority of farm orchids grows once a year. Only rarely do the plants grow over two growing seasons. The ornamental plants are cultivated as annuals. They lignify partly at their base and grow between 25 and 100 centimeters high. The entire plant is sticky, as the surfaces of the leaves, stems and flowers are covered with glands that produce a tough secretion.

Is farm orchid poisonous?

Farm orchids contain a high proportion of different alkaloids that cause poisonous effects after ingestion. The chemical compounds are nitrogen-containing organic substances that are secondarily formed by the plants in certain cells. All plant parts of the farm orchid have alkaloids, which even at low doses have a strong effect on the organism of animals. In humans, they cause discomfort in the stomach and intestines, which can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
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Ever since the emergence of the cottage gardens, the annual plants are considered popular ornamental plants. They mainly decorate balconies and terraces during Easter. Farm orchids decorate tables and benches in entrances and create a spring-like atmosphere next to front doors and on steps. They create a wild character and enchanted oases in the garden. The ornamental plants are ideal for rural rustic theme gardens.

The ornamental plants, also known as split flowers, are suitable for indoors and outdoors. Farm orchids can be cultivated as a solitary in a pot. They thrive in small groups in the garden bed under trees or on the free unshaded surface. They are particularly effective near flowering hedges and shrubs. Pruning hats and cornelian cherries are ideal planting partners. Farm orchids blend in with bow flowers, manure, mauves and daisies.

Which location is suitable?

Look for a sheltered location where there is no wind. Farm orchids like a place with sunny conditions. Even in a partially shaded spot the flowers are abundant, if the care conditions are right. Shady locations are possible, but cause less flower development.

If you cultivate your farm orchid in the tub, entrance areas, terraces and staircases provide ideal locations. In the field, the plants like to grow under trees or with good water supply in full sun.

Which soil does the plant need?

The plants prefer a well-drained substrate with a high content of humus. Compost soil or manure is ideal for enriching the soil. The soil should be well drained to prevent waterlogging. You can mix heavy soil with sand to improve the soil properties for the farm orchid.


Sprinkle the seeds on the ground. Farm orchids are light germs. Make sure that the seeds are not covered by soil. Wet the seeds evenly with water. Use a spray bottle as a vigorous watering would flood the soil and the seeds would float in stagnant moisture. Wrap a translucent fleece around the planter to keep the humidity constant. Ventilate once a day to prevent mold growth.

Place the planter in a bright location with temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius a day. At night, temperatures should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. Make sure that the planter is in a sheltered place. Under optimal conditions, the seeds begin to germinate after three days. It usually takes seven days for the first signs of germination to appear.

What is the best planting time?

Young plants grown in March are ready for outdoor planting between April and May. Plants that you have preferred in autumn, you can already in mid-March in pots and put in a sheltered place. If you want to sow the seeds directly in the bed, you can start in March.

The right planting distance

Do not plant farmer orchids too closely. The ornamental plants need space in the field to each other, so that the leaves can dry quickly after a downpour. Too tight stocks favor a moist microclimate in which fungal spores find optimal growth conditions. Ideal is a distance of at least 20 centimeters to the nearest planting partner.


Farm orchids are ideal plants for the balcony. Here they thrive in the balcony box splendidly. Cultivated as a container plant, they are perfect for the early decoration of balconies. From March you can put the farm orchid on the balcony. The plant can withstand temperatures down to -7 degrees Celsius without any problems.

In the greenhouse

Greenhouses are ideal for growing the seeds, as they ensure a high and consistent humidity. Here you can sow self-collected seeds or bought from the specialized trade in autumn. Be sure to place the greenhouse in a consistently warm place. Once the young plants have grown about one centimeter high, they should be converted into larger planters. If you have a sufficiently large greenhouse, the conversion is eliminated. The following spring, the plants are ready for planting in a tub or field.

Farm orchid in the pot

Farm orchids are ideal for cultivation in tubs. The vessels can be put outside early in the year. The plants are adapted to fluctuating temperatures and have no problems with late frosts.

Farm orchid propagate

For propagation of annual plants, the seeds are suitable, which develop several times a year. However, not every cultivated form produces germinable seeds. You can find out by sowing and observing the seeds on moist soil. Leave the withered flower stalks to stand so the fruit can ripen. Since the seeds are a few millimeters in size, the collection requires a bit of tact. Alternatively you can purchase seeds from the trade.

The seeds retain their germination capacity for several months, so you can store them before sowing. Ensure a cool and dry storage area, as warm temperatures and humidity stimulate the seeds to germinate. Collect the seeds in a paper bag.

Cut farm orchid properly

After the first flowering phase in May, a vigorous pruning promotes the development of a second flower. Separate the withered flower stems. Farm orchids can be cut back by two-thirds. The plant develops numerous side shoots, where new flowers are created. If you want to propagate the plant, you should wait with the pruning of the stems to fruit ripeness. Cut withered leaves regularly to prevent rot.

You can remove withered flowers all year round. A final pruning takes place in August. The plant will constantly develop new shoots until the last flowers are withered in September. After heavy rains, be sure to cut off broken stems. This will prevent the plant parts from rotting between the fresh shoots.

Use sharp pruning shears so that the tissue does not tear when cutting. Small wounds provide a good breeding ground for fungal spores when the conditions are very humid.

Fertilize farm orchid properly

Farm orchids have a high energy requirement, which increases at the time of flower development. Fertilize the plants every two weeks. This nutrient supply leads to a lush flowering, so that the leaves of the plant under the flowers are barely recognizable. Use balcony flower fertilizer or liquid fertilizer enriched with guano.

Young plants do not need fertilization. The plants should be at least eight weeks old when first fertilized. After vigorous pruning, peasant orchids need additional fertilization to regenerate quickly.

Pour peasant orchid

The ornamental plants are characterized by a high water requirement. Never allow the soil to dry out completely and keep the soil evenly moist in the bucket and in the field. Bauernorchideen tolerate no waterlogging, so the planter should have a vent hole. Pour potted plants only over the coaster. Free-range plants are cast at the base. Farm orchids react extremely sensitively when the flowers get wet. They look ugly after a rain shower, as the petals hang limply. Intense rainfall can cause flowering stems to break off. The plants usually regenerate quickly.


After about two weeks, the young plants are transplanted from the seed tank into a larger pot. They should have grown at least one centimeter tall. When the plants have reached ten centimeters, you can cut off the tips. This will encourage bushy growth.

fungal infection

Under humid conditions, peasant orchids can be attacked by fungi. Waterlogging is one of the most common causes of fungal diseases. When the roots rot, spores find an ideal breeding ground and spread. The roots can no longer draw enough nutrients and water from the soil, so that the flowering declines and wilts the plant.

To densely planted stocks favor a humid environment, since the plant is no longer adequately ventilated. Withering leaves that have not been removed in time provide the spores with good growth conditions. Do not place the plants too close to each other in the bed and regularly remove dead plant material.


Due to the alkaloids contained, farm orchids are of no interest to pests. They are not attacked by aphids and do not offer snails and beetles an attractive food source.


As an annual plant you can not overwinter the farm orchid. After the plant has withered in the fall, you can compost the leftovers. In spring, mature plants tolerate temperatures that do not fall below -7 degrees Celsius. Young plants should be brought in. Otherwise, there is a risk that the plants are damaged by night frosts.
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Cut off the withered flowers as far as possible and cut the plants slightly in the side. Push the plants aside and mix some fresh compost under the ground. Pour the plants vigorously. After three weeks, the farm orchid is in full bloom.
