To preserve basil by drying - that's how it works

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
To preserve basil by drying - that's how it works - Garden
To preserve basil by drying - that's how it works - Garden


To preserve basil by drying - that's how it works

Cold-sensitive basil leaves no fresh harvest outside during the winter. It is dried on time for the kitchen to have aromatic king cabbage throughout the year. The different methods are presented here in detail.

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Harvest at the right time and skillfully prune

The time for the harvest wants to be chosen carefully. If the king's cabbage is too young, at first little aroma has developed. As soon as it blooms against it, the herb takes on a bitter taste. Therefore, make an appointment shortly before flowering in the early morning. How to do it right:

Before attempting the actual drying, rinse the basil leaves thoroughly under running water.

Uncomplicated and free - basil air dry

Dab the washed basil dry with a kitchen towel so that no mold forms. Then tie the leaves together at their stems into several small bundles. Well suited are rubber band, Bastband or binding wire. Attach the bouquets with hooks on the wall or ceiling in an airy place. Dried, king cabbage takes on a dark green color.

In the course of two weeks, the leaflets are dried to the extent that they rustle. The binding material is now removed. Using your fingers, crumble the king's cabbage and store it in a lockable, labeled container.

King cabbage dry in the oven - that's how it works

If air drying takes too long, it works its oven without further ado into a drying machine. The prepared basil leaves are distributed on the baking tray. At a temperature of 50 degrees, they are dried when the leaves no longer feel flexible and break instead. The process is a little faster if you use the convection function. It is important to note that the oven door is always a bit open.

Dry properly in the Dehydrator

If the housewife refuses to release the oven to dry basil, the hour of the dehydrator beats. These devices are specially designed to preserve fruits and herbs. For this purpose they are equipped with several sieve trays and a small convection heating. To tackle the uncomplicated procedure:

At low temperature, the process takes a longer time; however, in this way an optimum of flavor is obtained when the kingwort has dried.

Tips & Tricks

In the microwave basil is dried within minutes. However, this rapid speed is at the expense of the taste. Even with the lowest wattage, most of the essential oils volatilize, which are essential for the incomparable basil flavor.