Feed the basil properly for best growth and full aroma

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Tips to Grow Better Basil
Video: 8 Tips to Grow Better Basil


Feed the basil properly for best growth and full aroma

Basil is truly no food lover. In contrast to other types of herbs, the nutrient requirement is at a high level. So you fertilize the king cabbage professionally in the bed and pot.

Do not leave basil in the bed

In terms of nutritional requirements, basil is a stalwart in the kitchen herbs. In order to achieve the desired growth, the soil should be humus and nutritious in the first place. However, this is an important starting condition, because during the growing season an additional nutrient supply in the bed is indispensable. How to do it right:

In this combination of different organic fertilizers can be dispensed with the addition of mineral fertilizer. Such chemical-based preparations are frowned upon by spice plants in the hobby garden anyway, since in this case nitrate could accumulate in the leaflets.

Fertilize king cabbage in a pot - that's how it works

In the narrowly defined substrate volume of a planter, the nutrient supply is even more in focus than in the herb bed. In order for the spice plant to reach its full potential, the amount of fertilizer used must be adequately compensated. This requires a bit of instinct, because over-fertilization also has a counterproductive effect. How to handle the subject skillfully:

For an additional dose of coffee every 4 weeks, basil on the balcony is also grateful. It should be remembered that coffee grounds reduce the pH and should not be applied too often.

Tips & Tricks

If you do not sow basil, but buy it as a finished plant, the following principle has the highest priority: immediately burry the purchased basil at home, divide it into 3 segments and plant it individually in a nutrient-rich compost-based substrate. Otherwise, the joy of the herb will last a maximum of a week.