Bamboo breeding is easy

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Bamboo from Cuttings at Home | Bamboo Growing Easy Tips | Bamboo care | Green Bamboo
Video: How to Grow Bamboo from Cuttings at Home | Bamboo Growing Easy Tips | Bamboo care | Green Bamboo


Bamboo breeding is easy

Gardeners and hobby gardeners use different possibilities for breeding bamboo plants. Each breed has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the right option according to your own needs. Bamboo breed - different possibilities at a glance:

Bamboo breed - 1 make many

If you want to breed bamboo plants quickly, you must multiply them by rhizomes or divide the root ball. These are the two proven breeding methods for hobby gardeners. Both variants provide full bamboo plants identical to the mother plant.

Whether rhizome propagation or division - start the bamboo rearing at the right time and with the ideal weather. Either in March or only in late summer share the bamboo, propagate or transplant. Because from April to June grow new stalks. The roots should not be disturbed.

For professional sharing or narrowing, a cloudy, damp day is recommended. Ideally, after a rainstorm, when the earth is moist and loose.

Bamboo breed by rhizome propagation

Bamboo plants propagate predominantly vegetatively via the root propagation (rhizome). So you get by separated, rooted Rhizomstücke the starting material for new bamboo plants. To do this, partly dig up the bamboo or expose individual rhizomes and remove them from the bamboo. Proceed as follows:

Then simply keep the bamboo shoots slightly moist in the loose, sandy soil and allow to drift. Also works in the pot. Important: do not use peat! This is too angry.

Bamboo breed by division

The garden bamboo (Fargesia) as a horstbildende bamboo species you can multiply by sharing the root ball. Water the root ball in advance. Then continue working in the following steps:

Multiply bamboo by cuttings

Only works with some tropical bamboo species when root systems are present in the axillary buds. Bamboos in temperate latitudes do not have this property.

Growing bamboo from seeds requires patience

The one Bambusorten bloom only every 80 to 120 years. The others, after the bamboo bloom, produce only few germinable seeds. The bred offspring often differ from the mother plant.

Bamboo from meristem breeding

The plant tissue or Meristemvermehrung is only possible in the laboratory.

Tips & Tricks

Be careful when buying bamboo! Many bamboo plants from Meristemzüchtung do not develop type-specific. Therefore only buy if the mother plant can be examined.