Outdoor balcony plants - how can it be managed?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
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Video: My Flowering Balcony Garden | What flowers I am growing in my balcony with many care tips


Some winter-hardy balcony plants even bloom in winter

Outdoor balcony plants - how can it be managed?

Hardy balcony plants do not have to be conceded in autumn and unnecessarily occupy the space in the basement. However, frost-free shrubs and trees can not hibernate outside. This guidebook brings to the point with which arrangements hardy plants in the box and bucket unscathed survive the winter time.

Winter coat for the root ball - it's that easy

In the exposed position on the balcony, the information on winter hardiness applies only conditionally. Behind the narrow walls of the box and bucket, the root bales of balcony plants are delivered to almost frost-free temperatures. So that hardy perennials and ornamental shrubs can stay outside, we recommend the following precautions before the first frost:

Woody balcony plants also receive a transparent hood for the young branches in the first winter. Important to note for a successful hibernation is regular watering. Brilliant winter weather with severe frost and sunshine will dry out the substrate. On mild days you should therefore patrol outside with the watering can.