Carefully manage petunias as balcony plants - that's how it works

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Carefully manage petunias as balcony plants - that's how it works - Garden
Carefully manage petunias as balcony plants - that's how it works - Garden


Petunias love the sun

Carefully manage petunias as balcony plants - that's how it works

Petunias have rightly taken a regular place among the most popular balcony plants. The subtropical summer flowers combine lavish floral splendor with uncomplicated claims. This guide illuminates the practice of how to care for petunias in the balcony box.

At what location do petunias unfold their optimum?

Characteristic of petunias is their preference for sunshine and an aversion to rain. On the sunny south-facing balcony, the subtropical flowers boast such a thick carpet of flowers that the leaves are almost invisible. A partially shaded location on the west or east balcony is tolerated, but results in a less opulent appearance. A protection against pattering rain is recommended at every location.

Planting petunia on the balcony - when and in which soil?

For petunias, the planting begins in mid-May. In the previous 8 to 10 days, the plants should acclimatize during the day at the half-shady location on the balcony. As substrate, we recommend special petunia soil with an extra portion of iron and a pH of 5.5 to 6.0.

What to look for in terms of water and nutrient supply?

The balanced supply of water and nutrients occupies a key position in the care program of balcony petunias. So pour and fertilize the flowers in the box and bucket correctly:

To bridge the holiday season for thirsty petunias without drought stress, we recommend the installation of an automatic irrigation system.

Can a pruning extend the flowering period?

Daily cleaning of withered flowers contributes significantly to the fact that petunias unfurl unfold new buds. If that is too time-consuming, occasionally resort to pruning shears. Cut back withered shoots and bring the sunbeams of dormant buds to life on the lower end of the shoot.


In the fall, the withered appearance of petunias belies the fact that the plants have the life force for several years. If you have a place left in the frost-free cellar, it should be reserved for your busy balcony petunia as a winter home. Repacked in spring and cut back, the flower festival is repeated on the balcony.