Fancy planting of the balcony box in autumn - tips for a beautiful autumn planting

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Window Boxes for Spring! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer
Video: Planting Window Boxes for Spring! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer


Begonias adorn autumnal window boxes

Fancy planting of the balcony box in autumn - tips for a beautiful autumn planting

In the autumn it is over with the summery blooms of geraniums and petunias. It's high time for a floral change of the shade in the flower box, because warm colors are now in high spirits, such as rich orange or red-hot blackberry vilet. Let yourself be inspired by ideas, how to plant your balcony box autumnal.

Early article Spring mood in the balcony box - it succeeds with these plants

Flowering autumn plants - these plants bloom in autumn

The end of the summer does not mean that the sadness is now on the balcony. In autumn, flowers and perennials take over the floral scepter, such as the carpet myrtle aster (Aster ericoides), whose white cup flowers look like a winter snowstorm in the flower box. The following plants also enchant us with autumnal-opulent flower abundance:

Fat hens bring you a spectacular festival of colors. The undisputed primus for the autumn planting is the Sedum variety 'Herbstfreude' with rust-red umbrella blossoms.

Leaf ornaments for the shady balcony

Planting the balcony box in a shady position in autumn is one of the ultimate challenges for the creative gardener. Only a few plants are prepared for the increasing lack of light and the falling temperatures. Now the hour of these leaf ornamental plants is beating, which leaves the absence of colorful blossoms with wonderful leaves:

Do you want to do without pretty floral decorations on the low-light balcony in autumn? Then the bulky Aster, Tradescant 'is on the spot. The 25 to 30 cm small beauty can not be prevented by a shady location to inspire in autumn with dainty, white flowers. Therefore, when planting the flower box with a combination of Aster divaricatus and Hosta species, the autumnal-romantic ambiance spreads on the balcony.


With colorful jute ribbons as an autumn deco give your flower box autumnal coloring. Cover the balcony box with the ribbons and gobble them up to lush knots. To protect the root ball before the first cold nights, place the binding material under transparent foil.