How to properly care for your aronia berries

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What you need to know about aronia berries
Video: What you need to know about aronia berries


How to properly care for your aronia berries

You can not go wrong with caring for the chokeberry (or even aronia berry). The shrub is robust, frugal and extremely easy to maintain. Ergo, Aronia is the perfect plant for gardeners without a "green thumb". If you follow these instructions, you can look forward to a rich harvest in the fall.

Which location is ideal?

Aroniasträucher love the sun! The more sun they get, the more fruits they produce. Therefore, you should make sure in your own interest for a sunny as possible location for your Aronia. Locations with sufficient soil and humidity are also optimal, while a high calcium content in combination with dryness has a rather unfavorable effect. Otherwise, apple berries are extremely adaptable to different soil conditions.

Can I put an Aronia shrub on my balcony?

Yes, that is possible. However, the bucket should be sufficiently large and deep, because aronia shrubs form deep roots. It is advisable to choose one of the smaller varieties - for example "Hugin", as some cultivars can grow very high. In addition, potted plants should be watered and fertilized regularly.

How often do I have to water my aronia tobacco?

Basically, it is not necessary to water the aronia bushes. Exceptions exist only when a strong heat / dry period predominates or the soil is rather sandy. Sandy soils store water poorly and are therefore often too dry. The optimum annual precipitation is between 500 and 600 millimeters - but you usually have no influence on the frequency of the rain as a gardener / gardener.

How often must Aronia be fertilized? And with what?

Aronia shrubs rarely need to be fertilized. This is best suited for this organic fertilizer such. B. stable manure. Bucket plants can be adequately supplied with horn meal and compost soil.

When and how can the bushes be cut?

Likewise, the bushes do not need to be cropped. It suffices an annual pruning to lighten the shoots.

Diseases and pests

Both diseases and pests are barely observed. Very rarely occurs infestation with frost or mountain ash moths.

Propagation and cultivation

Although an increase by seeds is possible; However, it is easier to get over cuttings to new shrubs. Breeding cuttings is much easier, and you are protected against surprises. In contrast to seeds, cuttings have the same genetic material as the carrier plant, whereas mutants can be mutated in semen-grown offspring.

What to do in winter?

In this respect, the chokeberry is pleasingly uncomplicated. In particular, the northern European varieties are very hardy - up to - 30 ° C - and survive even rough winters outstanding. However, potted plants should be protected against heavy frost, otherwise they will die of thirst. For this purpose, you can cover the soil in the bucket with fir branches or coconut mats.

Tips & Tricks

From the bushy shrub can also easily breed a high strain. For this purpose, graft a well-developed plant eye of the aronia on the young stem of a rowan. The best way is to use a technique called "Okulieren".