Aronia shrubs easily over cuttings or Wurzelschosser multiply

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Aronia shrubs easily over cuttings or Wurzelschosser multiply - Garden
Aronia shrubs easily over cuttings or Wurzelschosser multiply - Garden


Aronia shrubs easily over cuttings or Wurzelschosser multiply

Aroniasträucher are the perfect garden planting for gardeners who do not have too much experience or do not have much time for their garden. The plants are frugal and do not require much care, besides, they can easily multiply.

Increase aronia over cuttings

They can multiply the chokeberry, as the Aronia is often called, by means of seeds, cuttings or so-called root shooters and thus obtain new shrubs. Propagation over seeds is quite tedious, which is why you can achieve faster success in setting cuttings. In addition, you are safe in the case of cuttings from surprises, because they have the same genetic material as the existing plant. Basically, this is a clone. On the other hand, seeds can cause mutations, or the plants grown from them in many cases have different properties.

Procedure when growing over cuttings

Aronia shrubs usually form numerous new shoots and shoots, which can be used as cuttings. The suitable shoots are quite thin and often hang over.

The cuttings will take root in a short time and grow well. The best time for planting cuttings is the early fall, when it is still relatively sunny and warm and no cold spells are expected. The plant is expected to bear flowers and fruits in the second year.

Increase aronia via root shooter

Root shooters are shoots that shoot directly from the root. They grow out of the ground next to the actual main plant and should usually be removed. However, they can also be used for the propagation of the aronia bushes. To do this, dig out these shoots together with the roots and plant again at the desired location. Be careful not to damage the roots. In addition, you should dig deep enough, because the aronia is a deep root.

Tips & Tricks

The wild form of the Aronia can be increased in contrast to the cultivated forms best over a sowing. Collect the seeds contained in the berries and sow them in the desired location in spring. However, you can also prefer the plantlets on the windowsill or in the greenhouse and later plant them out.