Apricot tree: recognize and act on diseases in good time

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Beyond Citrus: Fruit Trees For a Fall Harvest, Dec 5, 2020
Video: Beyond Citrus: Fruit Trees For a Fall Harvest, Dec 5, 2020


Apricot tree: recognize and act on diseases in good time

Even with the best care and optimal location apricots can fall ill. Often they also suffer from pest infestation. Natural remedies can aid healing. We help you find the right answers and treatment methods.

Cutting Apricot Correctly: Practical Tips Next article Store apricots properly - enjoy fresh fruit

Winter Moth

This pest is a butterfly with a common occurrence. Particularly dangerous are the caterpillars of this species.


On warm days, Bacillus thuringiensis preparations may be used. Natural enemies of the frosts are native great tits. Put a small bird house on the apricot tree. Maybe the birds are interested in your shelter and use the good food source locally.

leaf curl

The cause of ruffling disease is a persistent fungus. You must act against him at the beginning of the year. The spraying of copper-containing solutions or the use of natural resources has proven to be successful.


Treatment is only effective if it is completed before the bud's threshold. If you miss this time, all affected leaves, branches and fruits must be completely removed. Throw these necessarily in the normal household waste.

Shotgun disease

Many a gardener can sing a sad song about the famous holes disease.


Fungicides have been well proven to combat this disease. Organic alternatives are agents with added clay, copper or net sulfur. For prevention put onions or garlic cloves under the apricot tree.

bacterial leaf blight

This disease can be identified by various symptoms.

Identifiable at first glance:

To date, bacterial fire can not be completely combated. For this reason, preventive methods play a special role. For this purpose white gardener the stem of the apricot tree. Additionally, spraying copper solutions can protect against the infectious disease.

Tips & Tricks

Breeds produce more and more resistant apricot varieties. However, individual fruit trees are only resistant to a specific disease.