What is the difference between apple quince and pear quince?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fresh Things: Is a Quince an Apple or a Pear?
Video: Fresh Things: Is a Quince an Apple or a Pear?


The apple quince looks like an apple

What is the difference between apple quince and pear quince?

It takes four to eight years to grow a quince tree until it becomes ripe for the first tasty fruits that mature in late October or early November. Quinces are therefore considered the last fruits of the year in our climatic zone. Worldwide there is only one kind of quince, according to their fruit form, this is distinguished only in apple and pear quince.

Apple and pear quince - the main differences:

The variety difference is also evident in the use

Pear quinces are consumed raw a tasty culinary delight. Even as you cut the fruit, the exuding juice exudes a wonderful aroma. As it is easier to cut, the pear quince is good for pastries like a tart. Also in fruit salads she is doing very well.

Apfelquitten / link> on the other hand, because of their hard, woody flesh raw rather inedible. However, these fruits can be wonderfully processed into compote and jam. Due to the high pectin content the jelly manages without any problems and you can even use the bowl.

Both varieties are made with schnapps and liqueurs, which taste very delicious due to the wonderful aroma of the fruit.

How are quinces stored?

Both apple and pear quince are quite delicate fruits that quickly get bruised and then spoil. Store in a cool, airy place, separate from apples, pears and vegetables. The fruits should be placed next to each other and not touch each other. So they stay fresh for one to two months.


Quince is an excellent remedy for cough. Their cores contain large amounts of mucilage that cover the irritated airways like a protective coat. You can put the seeds in some water and bring to a boil, this forms the so-called quince slime. Dried seeds can be sucked like cough sweets. Please do not chew, because they taste very bitter and contain hydrogen cyanide.