Transplant an apple tree properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Move An Apple Tree, Transplanting An Apple Tree, Vegetable Gardening, U.K.
Video: How To Move An Apple Tree, Transplanting An Apple Tree, Vegetable Gardening, U.K.


Transplant an apple tree properly

Mostly apple trees are bought as half-stem or high-stem and should not be transplanted after about five years in the garden. Any subsequent transplantation is then a risk.

Reasons for transplanting the apple tree

Not only the change of residence can be a reason for transplanting an apple tree. Sometimes gardeners only realize after a few years that the tree with its treetop or its roots is too close to a building or the property boundary. If a wrong site with waterlogging is chosen during the first planting, transplanting may save the tree from entering.

Choose the right time

An apple tree can not be easily dug up in any season. The greatest chance for a successful implementation is the period of dormancy between November and April. Even then, the tree can only be transplanted, as long as the soil is frost-free. Timely before the planned Umpflanzaktion thick branches should be taken out of the treetop. This not only makes digging easier, but also makes it easier for the tree to grow into the new location.

Well prepared for the matter

To transplant and transport the tree, Sue needs at least the following things:

The planting hole at the new location should be prepared as first as possible and equipped with loose humus. Thus, the period of the roots in the air can be kept as short as possible. Since the roots should not be underestimated even with an apple tree, without heavy equipment usually only a tree can be transplanted, whose trunk is not much thicker than a Coke can.

A gentle transplantation increases the chances of success

When excavating the root ball, the bale size should be sufficiently large so that as many fine roots as possible can remain on the tree. Too far-reaching roots are pierced clean with the spade. Transporting the bale in the jute sack prevents too much soil from falling during transport. At the new location, the tree should be provided with support posts, which can root it better even in windy weather.

Tips & Tricks

The transplanting of an apple tree is possible with young specimens, if some rules regarding season and procedure are kept.