Planting an apple tree in your own garden

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Easily Grow Apples in Your Backyard Garden, Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Easily Grow Apples in Your Backyard Garden, Complete Growing Guide


Planting an apple tree in your own garden

Apples are among the most important fruit varieties in Central Europe and are part of many juices and baking recipes. With a little care and the right location, you can also harvest juicy apples in your garden

What should you pay particular attention to when planting an apple tree?

First, you should pay attention to choosing the right variety for your location. Although the varieties offered in the supermarkets are estimated in terms of taste, they often do not ideally fit their needs to Central Europe. It is better to inquire at garden neighbors or the regional orchard and horticulture association, which varieties have proven themselves regionally and provide good yields. This usually includes classics like the following varieties:

The planting hole should be raised slightly larger before planting and lined with some seasoned compost. So a gentle fertilization for the first phase of growth is already done.

At which location can you plant an apple tree?

Apple trees are extremely versatile compared to other types of fruit when it comes to choosing their location. They usually tolerate locations in the blazing sun as well as the partial shade or shade of neighboring trees and buildings. However, care should be taken to ensure that the apple tree is not possible at the same time in the shade and in the lee of a high hedge. Otherwise, it may come despite the regular tree cutting to excessive moisture in the leaves and thus an outbreak of fungal diseases. In addition, apple trees should not be planted in hollows in locations with loamy and heavy soils, since they only tolerate waterlogging badly.

Where do you get a suitable apple tree from?

Meanwhile, apple trees can be ordered not only in the nursery on site, but also via online shipping. Special suppliers of old apple varieties can often procure treasures, but the gardener at the tree nursery around the corner usually knows better which variety suits the particular microclimate in the location. If you are a bit patient and eager to experiment, you can also grow an apple tree in a pot from a core and refine it with a scion after a few years.

How can you multiply apple trees yourself?

The cultivation of cuttings or sinkers is generally not common in apple trees. Seedlings are pulled from cores and later refined with the precious rice of a yield variety. However, growing crops usually use cropping documents such as the slow-growing M-9 for processing.

Which is the best season for planting or transplanting apple trees?

The best season for planting a young apple tree is the autumn. Although older trees can still be transplanted in autumn, not only the cost of transplanting but also the risk of plant dying will increase with each passing year.

When does an apple tree blossom and when are its fruits ripe?

The apple blossom begins in Central Europe mostly in May and marked for meteorologists the beginning of the so-called full spring. With sufficient pollination by insects form from June small green fruits whose ripeness, depending on the variety between August and November.

How should the soil be for an apple tree?

Apple trees have relatively fine and sensitive roots, so they can not tolerate waterlogged locations. Good conditions for apple trees are provided by a loose and humus-rich soil to which nutrients are added by regular fertilizer application.

How much distance do you have to keep to other trees or house walls?

The required distance of an apple tree to other trees or to a house wall does not arise solely from the selected apple variety. Apple trees are grafted on various substrates as a bush, half-stem or high stem. According to the corresponding typology of the tree, its space requirements are also determined. Roughly speaking, it is assumed that the root system of a full-grown apple tree occupies approximately the same space as the treetop. Since this is often kept artificially small by regular cutting, sometimes a larger extent of the roots is to be assumed. Therefore, a distance of several meters to cellar walls and other fruit trees should be respected. Trellis trees show relatively weak growth and can be set up to one meter on walls for an earlier harvest.

Tips & Tricks

Autumn is the best season for planting an apple tree, if it is likely to flower and fruit in the following year. From the second year onwards, however, a winter cut should already be part of the fixed care program of the apple tree if it is to remain permanently healthy.