The size and height of an apple tree

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
apple tree size
Video: apple tree size


The size and height of an apple tree

The size and height of the treetop is generally determined by many different factors in the apple tree. It can not always be reliably estimated with a seedling, how big this will become later.

The variety of growth forms in the apple tree

Growth is related to the apple tree as well as other plants due to influences such as lighting conditions, soil conditions and the supply of water and nutrients. In addition, height and size can also be significantly determined by other factors, such as:

The combination of these different factors determines how big the root system and treetop of an apple tree can become.

The selection of growth forms and varieties on the market

Traditionally, there are three classic growth forms in most fruits in Central Europe. While in the bush copulation on the growth pad near the ground is made, have half-trunk and high trunk on a straight trunk below the treetop. However, in recent years, more and more apple trees have been bred, which are suitable for a culture in a pot or as a trellis. These trees are grafted on growth materials that show weaker growth and are therefore easier to control in a certain size.

The growth varies with the age of the apple tree

While young apple trees from cores need about three to four years to a height of one meter, the treetops of larger specimens can quite grow up to a meter in a year.Despite the joy of increasing growth, a young tree should be cut to obtain a well-formed and vital treetop. A tree crown with a height and a diameter of up to ten meters is not worth much for the harvest, if the branches do not have the necessary stability to carry the amount of large and heavy fruits without breaking off.

Tips & Tricks

The installation of a trellis of apple trees allows for a relatively small yield in a small space, since all branches are well lit and ventilated with light.