What to do about ants in the flowerbed?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How Do I Kill Ants in a Flower Bed?
Video: How Do I Kill Ants in a Flower Bed?


Ants usually do not harm the flowers

What to do about ants in the flowerbed?

Ants can be found in any garden, which is good: the animals are extremely useful. However, if you step up in the flowerbed, less pleasing reasons may be behind it. In this case, the crawler must be distributed. With a few completely non-toxic tricks relocating usually works without any problems.

Are ants harmful?

First of all, ants are usually not harmful, even if they have set up their nest in the middle of the root system. This behavior has a good reason, because ants like dry and bright locations, but must protect their brood from the blazing sun. For this reason, they are mostly found underground. However, you should be suspicious when the animals suddenly proliferate in your flowerbed between lupins, sunflowers and roses.

Ant plague often indicator of aphid infestation

In this case, you should have a close look at the plants, as ant colonies are often found near large collections of leafy and other plant lice colonies. In particular, aphids keep the ants like pets to harvest the sweet honeydew - so the excreta - the same. For this purpose, they maintain the aphids, defend them from predators and ensure that the animals suck more and thus release even more honeydew. The aphids can be distributed reliably with a powerful jet of water and various home remedies, but also the ants must announce the fight. Otherwise, the aphids are back quickly.

Evict ants - That's how it works

You do not need to kill the animals right away. Instead, place an upside down clay bowl lined with wood wool near the current nest. Experience has shown that the crawlers, together with their brood, quickly move in there, which you can observe well. When the move is complete, simply slide a board or plate under the pot and transfer the vessel to another location. Here, the animals can settle again without disturbing a gardener. Incidentally, you can also drive away ants by making you uncomfortable: the animals like it dry and warm, water their nest with water, they will quickly flee and look for a more comfortable nesting place.


Ants can be dispelled reliably by certain fragrances. Lavender and chervil in the flowerbed as well as a cocooned mulch cover will not allow the animals to settle.